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Breedject bulbasaurs
@Ducky can i have Hp/Atk/Def/Sdef/Spd. sorry for replying so late. what pokemon do you want to trade.
Ill save one of those for you. And any pokemon will work.
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@Ducky i can give you shiny Larvesta. when do you want to trade.
That will work.  any time between 2Pm PST - 3AM PST. just hit me up on here
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
Hi! Can i have one of this 5ivs bulbasaur? I can give a 4iv charmander or dratini (Adamant both)

If i can have this one Hp/Atk/Def/Satk/Sdef or this one Hp/Atk/Def/Satk/Spd it would be awesome!! if not well another one would be great too!

i can trade you one of both if you want (that dratini looks nice)
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
Okay then! We are already friends so, we can trade it whenever you want. I'll have the Hp/Atk/Def/Satk/Sdef then! haha
@Ducky i am ready now
Do anyone have a Thundurus?  :D

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