Hey everyone! Just an update - I know it took so long and I'm sorry but things came up in the real world :/ Anyways, most of your Pokemon are genned! I'm still working on a couple, so that will be done with shortly and we can either do GTS or link trading later tonight / tomorrow! Have a nice dayyy!
Pokemon Deposited:pidove, male lv.8
Pokemon Wanted:greninja, male
OT: Robin
Ball: poke ball
HeldItem: gold bottle cap
Ability: protein
mat block
dark pulse
ice beam
water shuriken
EVs/IVs:252 sp. atk, 252 spe, 4 def
Another update (sorry if I'm making too many of these) but your Pokemon are all genned in! I had an issue with @Newdll 's request, but that will be dealt with in PMs. Whenever you guys are ready to link trade, we can either set up a time or do it right on the spot. Thanks for participating! :D