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[CLOSED] [SUN/MOON] Huntaari's Factory #2 : New Year Edition
Heya Monsters Lovers !  Angel

This GiveAway will end on January 11th at 23:59, Paris Timezone.

Welcome to my second GiveAway ! I've been doing a lot of things lately, especially during these holidays, empiling hundreds of hours Smile
And now, I don't really know what to do... after some Battle Tree, SOS chaining, Breeding, the Adventure... so now that I have some time "off" the game, I might as well give away some Mons, don't you think ? :P  
All three given mons were patiently and manually breeded, that's why they're lvl 50... didn't felt like leveling up to 100... If someone know some tip to level them up quickly (except genning or that sort of stuff) I'm listening  :D

Here's the list of Mons you can get :
[Image: Sprite_7_s_763_s.png]
Tsareena (F) @ Gold Battle Cap
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
5 IV's (except SpA)
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Level: 50
Jolly Nature
- Stomp
- Play Rough
- High Jump Kick
- Trop Kick

[Image: Sprite_7_s_730_s.png]
Primarina (F) @ Gold Battle Cap
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
5 IV's (except Atk)
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
Modest Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Sparkling Aria
- Hyper Voice
- Moonblast

[Image: Sprite_7_s_743_s.png]
Ribombee (F) @ Gold Battle Cap
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
5 IV's (except Atk)
Ability: Shield Dust
Level: 50
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Moonblast
The rules :
1. Via GTS ONLY.
2. Deposit a Pinsir:
[Image: Sprite_6_x_127.png]
Make sure to ask for a lvl 41-50
(you can ask for the three of them)

3. Fill in the form below

Pokemon Requested :
Pokemon Deposited :
Gender :
Level :

4. What are your resolutions for 2017 ?
5. Wait for it..
7. If I forgot someone, please notify me, I can be a bit clumsy sometimes ^^

And Happy New Year ! Best Wishes for you all !

[Image: 1483718428-wild-pokemon-xmas-2011c-by-ni...4k0n8f.jpg]
Pokemon Requested : Ribombee
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : F
Level : 7
IGN : Serena
Thank you
PS NYE Resolution is to be happier
Thanks for all the good times~
Pokemon Requested : Ribombee
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : Female
Level : 14
IGN : Rick

What are your resolutions for 2017 ?
Be more productive :D
Much kudos and thanks Smile
Pokemon Requested : Tsareena 
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : M
Level : 1
IGN : Karol
Pokemon Requested : Primarina
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : Female
Level : 55
IGN : Will

Thanks in advance!

My NYE is to loose those weights off my body..but that seems difficult.
Pokemon Requested : Ribombee
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : male
Level : 7
IGN : Chandra

My resolution in 2017 is to have more peaceful & happy life :D

Thank you
Pokemon Requested :Tsareena
Pokemon Deposited : wingull
Gender : Female
Level :7
IGN :Armin

What are your resolutions for 2017 ?
resume my studies!

Thank you!
Pokemon Requested : Primarina
Pokemon Deposited : Wingull
Gender : M
Level : 1
IGN : Karol
@ProfessorFalcon18  : Enjoy !!
@Rurek : Enjoy !! And Enjoy again !!
@willong : Enjoy !!
@br3ndy : Enjoy !!

@tikrit : Can you redeposit it ?
@"Anabel" : Can you also redeposit it ?
Pokemon Requested : tsareena 
Pokemon Deposited : wingull
Gender : female
Level : 23
IGN : Gordon

thank you!  :D

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