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[CLOSED] Shiny BR Tao Trio Giveaway

Pokemon deposited : Gumshoos / WITNESS, lvl 22, male
IGN : Sujin
Pokemon wanted : Reshiram

Thank you so much
Pokemon Wanted: Zekrom
IGN: Aichi
@GunmanMatt - sent
@Racewish - sent
@Tomlepanda - sent
@Sujin - sent
@KasuganoAichi - sent

Enjoy Smile
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Pokemon Wanted:Zekrom
Pokemon Depositied:Gumshoos-Witness-Lv58-Male-Quick Ball
Thanks !

I'm back~ c:
IGN: Haru
Pokemon deposited: Gumshoos
level: 54
Gender: Male
Wanted: Zekrom
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance
Pokémon Wanted: Kyurem-Black
IGN: Luna
Pokemon deposited : Gumshoos ( WITNESS), lvl 25, male

IGN: Koko
Deposited level 22 Gumshoos female
Requested Kyurem (to combine with the Zekrom you gave me last time Smile )

Thanks again Smile

Pokemon deposited : Gumshoos / WITNESS, lvl 22, female
IGN : Sujin
Pokemon wanted : Kyurem

Thanks Wink
Kyurem @ Choice Specs 
Level: 100
Ball: Premier Ball
Ability: Pressure 
EVs: 4 Def / 252 Sp.A / 252 Spe 
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
Nature: Timid 
- Draco Meteor 
- Ice Beam 
- Earth Power
- Focus Blast

IGN: Matthew
Deposited: Gumshoos (WITNESS)

I appreciate this giveaway, I love this trio! Smile

IGN: Chuy
Deposited: Gumshoos(WITNESS), female lvl 20 , Ultra Ball
Requested: Reshiram

thanks in advance

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