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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #12: Physical Electivire
how long is this giveaway going? sorry for bad english Blush
Pokemon deposited: wimpod
Hi Vinnie,

Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Passimian
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Firafrog

i just re deposited again, sorry just now i focus on other trade only need electivire and Porygon-Z to complete my Dex
@donatelo Found it. Enjoy!
@PumPum7 Your English is perfecto. This giveaway stops at Sunday, December the 18th
@Doombringr Enjoy!
(Dec 12, 2016, 07:48 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @donatelo Found it. Enjoy!
@PumPum7 Your English is perfecto. This giveaway stops at Sunday, December the 18th
@Doombringr Enjoy!

receive it, thank you very much Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
@Vinnie Yep got sniped. Why would someone wanna trade Electivire for a wimpod? (But kinda my fault, I forgot to set the level)

I have redeposited another wimpod.

Shiny: Yes
IGN: Moon Moon
Deposited: Wimpod
Gender: Female
Level: level 1
Msg: I want to fill my pokedex.
pokemon deposited:wimpod
I want one please!

Shiny : No
Pokémon deposited: Oranguru 
Gender: Female
Level :  21
IGN: Peanutea

Thank you ind advance  Blush
~ A Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same.
I want one as well please!

Shiny : Yes
Pokémon deposited: Wimpod
Gender: Female
Level :  1
IGN: Ikki

Thank you in advance   :D :D

Thanks man received
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Wimpod
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Kritwnas
i request now a female electivire so you can send me thanks in advance mate. cheers :D :D

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