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[CLOSED] Week 9 (Gen 6): Shiny stone Evolutions Part 1 (Offline)
This week, the stone evolutions won. Please vote for the next pokemon in the Poll above Smile This giveaway has unliMited pokemon so you could ask for as Many pokemon as you would like, but no repEats. The pokemon will be level 100. Since the giveaway will be done over the gTs, you should only request when I'm online and you guys sHould rEquest for a level 91 or higher pokemon. If you PM me a request for a gts trade, you Will simply be ignored Or reminded not to do that. Just remember that I'll be distRibuting these pokemon through gen 6 pokemon games. You shoulD request your pokemon like this...

Status: Offline
PokeMon requEsted:
Pokemon depoSited:
Gender of depoSited:
Level of deposited:
MessAge: moo311

I will NOT be taking any direct trades. If you request the pokemon while I'm offline, you will not Get a pokemon. If I write somEthing along the lines of "No more requests for now" then you shouldn't request any pokemon until I'm online.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Around 7-8 PM EST
Tuesday/Thursday: 5-7 PM EST
Saturday/Sunday: Almost all day

[Image: 026.gif]
Pokemon: Raichu
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Male
Ability: Lightning Rod
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
IVS: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVS: 252 Speed, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 Sp.Def
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- HP Ice

[Image: 031.gif]
Pokemon: Nidoqueen
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Female
Ability: Sheer Force
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 HP, 4 Speed
- Ice Beam
- Sludge Wave
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power

[Image: 034.gif]
Pokemon: Nidoking
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Male
Ability: Sheer Force
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power
- Sludge Wave
- Stealth Rocks

[Image: 036.gif]
Pokemon: Clefable
Item: Leftovers
Gender: Female
Ability: Magic Guard
Natures: Calm (+Sp.Def -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp.Def
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave

[Image: 040.gif]
Pokemon: Wigglytuff
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Female
Ability: Competitive
Natures: Modest (+Sp.Atk -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def
- Stealth Rock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hyper Voice
- Fire Blast

[Image: 045.gif]
Pokemon: Vileplume
Item: Black Sludge
Gender: Male
Ability: Effect Spore
Natures: Bold (+Def -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp.Def
- Giga Drain
- Moonlight
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder

[Image: 059.gif]
Pokemon: Arcanine
Item: Rocky Helmet
Gender: Male
Ability: Intimidate
Natures: Impish (+Def -Sp.Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Atk
- Morning Sun
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed

[Image: 071.gif]
Pokemon: Victreebel
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Male
Ability: Chlorophyll
Natures: Modest (+Sp.Atk -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def
- Solar Beam
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball
- Sleep Powder

[Image: 091.gif]
Pokemon: Cloyster
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Male
Ability: Skill Link
Natures: Jolly (+Speed -Sp.Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Ice Shard

[Image: 121.gif]
Pokemon: Starmie
Item: Leftovers
Gender: None
Ability: Natural Cure
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Atk
- Scald
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
- Psyshock

[Image: 134.gif]
Pokemon: Vaporeon
Item: Leftovers
Gender: Male
Ability: Water Absorb
Natures: Bold (+Def -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def
- Wish
- Scald
- Protect
- Heal Bell

[Image: 135.gif]
Pokemon: Jolteon
Item: Leftovers
Gender: Male
Ability: Volt Absorb
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Speed, 252 Sp.Atk, 4 HP
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Thunderbolt
- Wish

[Image: 136.gif]
Pokemon: Flareon
Item: Choice Band
Gender: Male
Ability: Flash Fire
Natures: Adamant (+Atk -Sp.Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def
- Flare Blitz
- Superpower
- Quick Attack
- Baton Pass

[Image: 468.gif]
Pokemon: Togekiss
Item: Leftovers
Gender: Male
Ability: Serene Grace
Natures: Timid (+Speed -Atk)
IVS: All
EVS: 252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Def
- Air Slash
- Nasty Plot
- Thunder Wave
- Roost

[Image: 182.gif]
Pokemon: Bellossom
Item: Life Orb
Gender: Male
Ability: Chlorophyll
Natures: Modest (+Sp.Atk -Atk)
IVS: 31/0/31/30/31/30
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp.Def
- Solar Beam
- Moon Blast
- HP Fire
- Sleep Powder

If you can't trade this week because of your schedule, then you can reserve pokemon. All you have to do is either pm me or post a request for the pokemon you would like to reserve like this

I would like to reserve _______,_______,______,_______, and ________.

You can reserve a maximum of 4 pokemon. If you reserve a pokemon, you will receive your pokemon in the next giveaway. Also, you can reserve pokemon while I'm offline Smile To claim your reserved pokemon, you must wait for the week after the last giveaway. I will open up a thread that will be for requested pokemon. The list will be on there and I'll direct trade them to you.

@moy1135 Togekiss, Nidoking, Flareon, and Starmie
@JodieKatt98 Raichu, Nidoking, Vaporeon and Togekiss
@nandawin Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Togekiss
@mario2750 Starmie, Vaporeon, Cloyster, and Vileplume
@BrianA101 Togekiss,Starmie,Cloyster and Raichu

IVs: HP, Atk, Def, Sp.Atk, Sp.Def, Speed
I used PP Maxes on all of the moves to get the maximum amount of PP on each pokemon.
Pokemon requested: Nidoking
Pokemon deposited: Wurmple
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 2
Message: moo311

Thanks a lot :D

Is it allowed to deposited another Pokemon for any of the other ones on the list if you already got one?
@BigDaddy I don't see your wurmple and if I understand your question correctly, you cannot request more than 1 pokemon of the same species, like you can't ask for 2 nidokings. If I'm misinterpreting your question, please feel free to ask again Smile

Update: @BigDaddy Enjoy Smile
@moo311 No, I meant if it was allowed to ask for lets say Raichu after I already got one of the others (like Nidoking) :D

Just got the Nidoking so I guess you found it, thanks! :D
@BigDaddy Yes, you can get all of the pokemon listed Smile
PokeMon requEsted:  Vileplume
Pokemon depoSited: Tynamo
Gender of depoSited: Male
Level of deposited: 1
MessAge: moo311
Thank you ^^ (Are the mons btw legit, or were they created via a programm? Just curios :-) )
You are too kind!

Pokemon requested: Raichu
Pokemon deposited: Poochyena
Gender of deposited: Male
Level of deposited: 3
Message: moo311

Thanks :D
@Dusbusk Enjoy and these pokemon are obviously genned. Anybody who tells you that they have 30 shiny pokemon of the same species and stats are probably lying Smile
@BigDaddy Enjoy Smile
Closing the thread for around 10-15 minutes. I should be back by 5:45-6 PM EST. Sorry for the inconvenience

Update: That didn't take much time, but I did realize that the ev spread on the nidoqueens were wrong so I had to change it.
@moo311 thanks for the info, Im fine with genning :D Will grab a bunch of mons if you dont mind ^-^
PokeMon requEsted:  Bellossom
Pokemon depoSited: Tynamo
Gender of depoSited: Male
Level of deposited: 1
MessAge: moo311


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