Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and the poll results on my last post are in and this is for what you guys voted!
Of the three options, I'm honestly surprised that the one about Dragon-Type pokémon won. I thought for sure that once I posted the option of battling my 1st place Emolga team, y'all would go crazy with the opportunity. I know I've already gotten a few requests for battles since then. But anyway, we'll worry about that later. You voted for a discussion about Dragon-Types, and I intend to deliver!
Dragon-Types are easily my favorite type of pokémon. Ever since I was a younger trainer I took pride in finding, catching, and training every Dragon-Type I could to its maximum potential. A lot of them are very tough to train, as they level slow and have very small catch rates. Not only that, but most of the Dragon-Types that we encounter are in the forms of legendaries or pseudo-legendaries like Garchomp or Salamence. As such, the Dragon typing has been seared into our memories as strong, powerful, and indisputably fierce. Until you throw in a Fairy-Type of course. Damn pixies...
But anyhow, my absolute favorite Dragon-Type pokémon has got to be this mammoth of a marauder right here:
I hope these are rather self-explanatory. Noivern is easily my favorite Kalos pokémon, but you can read about that tragedy right here: (http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-DISCUSS...-Regret-It). Dragonite was the first Dragon-Type that we got way back in Gen 1, and in popularity terms, I think that lovable blob has held up. A female Dragonite named Anani was also the star pokémon of one of my FanFictions way back when I was a more serious fanfic writer. So Dragonite definitely has a special place reserved for it here. And the last one is Dialga. My favorite Gen 4 dragon, and also the only Shiny that I almost failed. But again, you can read about that in the link provided.
And lastly, as my friend suggested, I'll include two sets for use in recreationals. Here's the first one:
Of the three options, I'm honestly surprised that the one about Dragon-Type pokémon won. I thought for sure that once I posted the option of battling my 1st place Emolga team, y'all would go crazy with the opportunity. I know I've already gotten a few requests for battles since then. But anyway, we'll worry about that later. You voted for a discussion about Dragon-Types, and I intend to deliver!
Dragon-Types are easily my favorite type of pokémon. Ever since I was a younger trainer I took pride in finding, catching, and training every Dragon-Type I could to its maximum potential. A lot of them are very tough to train, as they level slow and have very small catch rates. Not only that, but most of the Dragon-Types that we encounter are in the forms of legendaries or pseudo-legendaries like Garchomp or Salamence. As such, the Dragon typing has been seared into our memories as strong, powerful, and indisputably fierce. Until you throw in a Fairy-Type of course. Damn pixies...
But anyhow, my absolute favorite Dragon-Type pokémon has got to be this mammoth of a marauder right here:
![[Image: latest?cb=20150408013542]](https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/leonhartimvu/images/9/9d/Haxorus.png/revision/latest?cb=20150408013542)
I mentioned in my previous post about Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon that Unova was one of the regions to which I grew the most attached, and it was mainly because of amazing pokémon like Haxorus. Say what you will about Gen 5 pokémon, there's no denying that there were some good ones in there. Haxorus, in my opinion, may just be the pinnacle of that awesomeness. The color-scheme really makes him stick out, and the red accents solidify this dragon as undeniable force! Not only that, but I think there's something to be said about Nintendo having the guts to stick literal axe blades on a pokémon's face! I guess it's not the Axe Jaw Pokémon for no reason.
Continuing with the trend of my previous 'All Our Favorite' posts, other Dragon-Types I adore are the following:
Continuing with the trend of my previous 'All Our Favorite' posts, other Dragon-Types I adore are the following:
![[Image: noivern.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen6/noivern.png)
![[Image: dragonite.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/dragonite.png)
![[Image: dialga.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/dialga.png)
I hope these are rather self-explanatory. Noivern is easily my favorite Kalos pokémon, but you can read about that tragedy right here: (http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-DISCUSS...-Regret-It). Dragonite was the first Dragon-Type that we got way back in Gen 1, and in popularity terms, I think that lovable blob has held up. A female Dragonite named Anani was also the star pokémon of one of my FanFictions way back when I was a more serious fanfic writer. So Dragonite definitely has a special place reserved for it here. And the last one is Dialga. My favorite Gen 4 dragon, and also the only Shiny that I almost failed. But again, you can read about that in the link provided.
And lastly, as my friend suggested, I'll include two sets for use in recreationals. Here's the first one:
Set 1
![[Image: haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/haxorus.png)
Held Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Mold Breaker
252 Atk/ 4 Sp. Def/ 252 Spd
Poison Jab/Iron Tail
Dragon Claw/Rock Slide
![[Image: haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/haxorus.png)
Held Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Mold Breaker
252 Atk/ 4 Sp. Def/ 252 Spd
Poison Jab/Iron Tail
Dragon Claw/Rock Slide
This set can put a dent in just about anything, and I prefer Poison Jab over Iron Tail because in a competitive match, 75% accuracy has a curious way of becoming 0%. 

Set 2
![[Image: haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/haxorus.png)
Held Item: Assualt Vest
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Mold Breaker
12 HP/ 110 Atk/ 126 Sp. Def/ 252 Spd
Earthquake/Rock Slide
Poison Jab/Iron Tail
Dragon Claw
![[Image: haxorus.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/haxorus.png)
Held Item: Assualt Vest
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Mold Breaker
12 HP/ 110 Atk/ 126 Sp. Def/ 252 Spd
Earthquake/Rock Slide
Poison Jab/Iron Tail
Dragon Claw
There really aren't that many ways to run a Haxorus. It's a huge, semi-fast attacker with a lot of Attack and decent bulk. I've used both the offensive and somewhat defensive sets and I think if you're going to use one, you might as well go all out. I don't like the Choice Band set because Haxorus already has one of the highest base Attack stats in the game, and once you click your move you become a sitting duck. If you like Haxorus, or any hard-hitting mon with meager defenses, like Rampardos, then at least be smart with them.
Well, that's all from me today. I'll probably start doing research on my next VGC candidate, and I am developing a battle request post for my 1st place Emolga team. I know there are those that want to see it in action, and I intend to deliver. In the meantime, I can't wait to see what kind of Dragon-Types all of you love. And...just to make things interesting, I'll try and get the rest of Amethyst 0mega involved. So what'll it be @RetroTyphlosion, @wartty, @TestarudoRi, and @ScottyThunder? What are your favorite Dragon-Types? And just to mix things up, let's ask new user @MajesticMamoswine. What is your favorite Dragon-Type? I hope to read you all soon. Battle onwards friends!
- 0kamii
Well, that's all from me today. I'll probably start doing research on my next VGC candidate, and I am developing a battle request post for my 1st place Emolga team. I know there are those that want to see it in action, and I intend to deliver. In the meantime, I can't wait to see what kind of Dragon-Types all of you love. And...just to make things interesting, I'll try and get the rest of Amethyst 0mega involved. So what'll it be @RetroTyphlosion, @wartty, @TestarudoRi, and @ScottyThunder? What are your favorite Dragon-Types? And just to mix things up, let's ask new user @MajesticMamoswine. What is your favorite Dragon-Type? I hope to read you all soon. Battle onwards friends!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder