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[DISCUSSION] Gendered Evolutions
I've always been a fan of gendered evoltuions since they first came out.  Frostlass/Glalie, Gardevoir/Gallade, Mothim/Vespiquen, (and Im probably missing some) but Salandit has made me curse pokemon more than anything.  This whole post is becasue for the most part, gendered evolutions usually have alternate routes instead of dead ends for a certain gender.  What makes things even worse is the fact that getting a male Salandit is basically useless.  Today I hatched a shiny, 6 IV, male Salandit, which, other than its shiny value, is useless except for its shiny value and possible breeding purposes (I already had a 6 IV so it wasnt useful for me). Maybe this is from my saltiness, but do you think Pokemon should've made a secondary evoltuion for male Salandit or at least made the females more common? Thoughts?
Mothim/Vespiqueen don't quite fit together since male combee is a dead end as well. Perhaps you're thinking of Mothim/Wormadam? 

I would be pretty salty too if I were you. It's an absolute PAIN to get a female Salandit and you'll be tearing your hair out by the time to get a 6iv. But from a lore standpoint I understand why male Salandit and male combee don't get an evolution. So to me they're okay the way they are despite the annoyance.
Yeah, I was thinking Mothim/Wormadam, just didn't check.  I understand the lore of them as well, but I think thats where you should come in and just make them 2 sepereate species sort of like the Nidorans, or Volbeat/Illumise so at least you know which gender you're getting, or again, theres something to do with the opposite gender.
At least it's better than Nidoran, where the males and females are considered entirely different species.

Anyway, they've been doing obscure evolution methods for a while, it doesn't bother me too much. Honestly, only one gender evolving is pretty tame compared to holding your 3DS upside down or requiring a dark mon in the party, like Inkay and Pancham respectively. Trying to complete the X/Y dex with no guide seems daunting in hindsight.
I agree there should be a male evolution for salandit. I'd be pretty upset if I hatched a shiny 6iv male salandit :/
That's strange, I found quite a lot of female salandit while I was looking for one. It wasn't such a pain !

But yeah, I male gendered evolution would have been nice.
I'm fine with obscure evolutions (Inkay, Milotic, sylveon in particular) it just doesn't make sense why they need to make a male salandit. They have plenty of species which are exclusively male and female and it seems this could've been one of those situations.  Just is a little angering when you invest a lot of time (I was using MM) trying to just get 1 female (took me 40+ eggs before I even hatched a female) just to get the equivalent of a middle finger from Nintendo.

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