Jul 31, 2017, 07:36 PM
Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and there's no thumbnail this time because that'd be unnecessary.
I'd like to keep this thread brief because I really want to get into the discussion here and see what everyone has to share. So, like usual, I'll share a few of my own hilarious battles, and hopefully that'll encourage you all to share a few of your own! I have one win and one loss to share, and I think I'll start with my loss.
My Most Hilarious Loss:
I'd like to keep this thread brief because I really want to get into the discussion here and see what everyone has to share. So, like usual, I'll share a few of my own hilarious battles, and hopefully that'll encourage you all to share a few of your own! I have one win and one loss to share, and I think I'll start with my loss.
My Most Hilarious Loss:
![[Image: 64eeedb1-2049-4d34-902c-fd26fa4ba7a7.png...C236&ssl=1]](https://i2.wp.com/gallery.mailchimp.com/cf7c2f7956802c85ef5163f11/images/64eeedb1-2049-4d34-902c-fd26fa4ba7a7.png?resize=200%2C236&ssl=1)
![[Image: CI7_3DS_PokemonSunMoon_AlolanNinetales_CMM_big.jpg]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jr485zwt1Ag/WFFlLFHlmgI/AAAAAAAAABQ/-N-6LXHCS2w3UGwAeLLbjWt2S6vjNd79ACLcB/s1600/CI7_3DS_PokemonSunMoon_AlolanNinetales_CMM_big.jpg)
So obviously, not all of my friends IRL play Pokémon. Most of them don't even want to battle me if they do because I have a bit of a reputation as being unbeatable. Not sure why, I've been beaten about as much as the next player, but I digress. As such, when I do finally get the opportunity to battle one of my friends, I'm elated. A friend of mine, that shall go unnamed, however seemed to forget that pokémon can hold items during a battle. And as a result, the first turn of one of our tournament matches didn't start so gloriously for him. I sent out my Lycanroc-Midnight form, the one I personally like to use in recs, and he started with Alolan Ninetales. The obvious move was that he was going to set up Aurora Veil, but thankfully, my Lycanroc was the Choice Scarf variant. Thus, I outsped him and his Ninetales went down to a Stone Edge. Following this, he stared at his screen for...maybe two whole minutes, and then finally exclaimed, "WHAT THE FUDGE?!". Fudge wasn't the actual word used. But anyway, the battle eventually ended in my loss thanks to my Haxorus missing an Iron Tail on his Mimikyu. Following this he whipped out his phone and started running Speed Calcs on my Lycanroc and his Ninetales, utterly baffled that I'd outsped him. Soon, it got to the point where he just straight up asked me how I'd outsped him. And boy oh boy, you should've seen the size of his eyes when I mumbled, "Choice Scarf." He then proceeded to facepalm so hard he had a red mark the rest of the tournament, and I couldn't stop laughing. There was even a point when Mtn. Dew came out of my nose. Now that was painful...
My Most Hilarious Win:
My Most Hilarious Win:
![[Image: latest?cb=20130704235631]](http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ultimate-pokemon-fanon/images/9/97/Rampardos.png/revision/latest?cb=20130704235631)
![[Image: 7b3d1500ef51698e62c0d03249adedcd--top-ten-polyvore.jpg]](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7b/3d/15/7b3d1500ef51698e62c0d03249adedcd--top-ten-polyvore.jpg)
Hey, uh...@LittleFoxS...sorry for sharing this, but it really is the best one. I was losing a battle against LittleFoxS shortly before the release of Sun and Moon, and he was up by 3 mons. Literally I was down to my Rampardos, and I thought for sure the battle was lost. Did I mention that my Rampardos was also a Choice Scarf variant? Wow, twice in one post. But anyway, it was rather evident that I was losing, and then out of nowhere Rampardos gets a double KO with Rock Slide. Prior to that, I'd be thoroughly thrashed, and LittleFoxS, who was getting a bit too big for his britches at that point, sent out the two mons he had in the back. That being Absol and Gardevoir. Of course, he didn't know my Rampardos was Choice Scarfed. And so I used Rock Slide again...and it crit the Gardevoir and OHKOed the Absol, knocking them both out and winning me the battle. To this day, I don't know if that critical hit mattered, but either way, there's no doubt that victory was luck. It's one of the battles I remember the most fondly, and it's easily the most hilarious win I've ever had.
Well, there you have it. Two of my most hilarious battles! Looking forward to hearing some of the funniest battles you've all experienced in the thread below. Please try and keep it PG, dirty battles aren't funny. And please...battles where you stalled the game until the opponent quit doesn't count. Stall wins aren't funny, they're just annoying.
Thanks so much for reading everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Well, there you have it. Two of my most hilarious battles! Looking forward to hearing some of the funniest battles you've all experienced in the thread below. Please try and keep it PG, dirty battles aren't funny. And please...battles where you stalled the game until the opponent quit doesn't count. Stall wins aren't funny, they're just annoying.
Thanks so much for reading everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder