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[DISCUSSION] That moment when a Shiny unexpectedly pops up...
I once had a shiny boy Frillish show up when I was surfing on the Dexnav thingy in AS.  Part of my team and level 100 now.  Smile
I'd have to say, my craziest shiny was when I was Masuda methoding Dratini. I know Masuda method greatly increases odds but what I didn't expect was for the shiny to have the hidden ability. I know his Mother has the hidden ability, but with my typical luck, I never expected the shiny to have the hidden ability, but he did.

Mint is now a core member of my team, being my physical attacker with dragons dance, outrage, extreme speed and earthquake.
My craziest shiny actually happened today! I have both ruby and sapphire, but I only ever played through sapphire for some reason. I bought a new Gameboy Advance recently and wanted to try it out so I started up a file on Ruby and while on route 102, trying to evolve my torchic, I ran into a shiny wurmple! I didn't notice the sparkles and I totally freaked out when I realised it lol! Since it was full odds and in an older game, it is definitely my rarest shiny so far but what made it even better was that it was random! ^_^ (I quickly evolved it and now it is a dustox. Even though it really isn't a good pokemon for battling, I'm going to try and use it on my team)

Where do I begin...?

I'll start with the earliest one I can remember:

It was 2013, I had just beat the game on my copy of Pokémon X, and I was on Route 12 for wahtever reason. I was walking in the fenced grass patch at the start of the route when I had random horde encounter. I was already a bit surprsied, but when one of the Wingulls sparkled, I remember thinking to myself, "IS THAT A SHINY?!" Yes, it was; my first ever shiny. A Wingull with green wing bands. I caught it, evolved it into a Pelipper, and then traded it for a Celebi sometime later. 

Another random shiny that occured on my copy of Pokémon X:

I was checking out a Freind Safari that I had gotten. It was Ground type, and it had Trapinch, Palpitoad, and Camerupt in it. I had seen all the Pokemon in it and decided that I wanted to check out another safari. I was just about out of the grass when I encountered anohter Pokemon. It was a shiny Trapinch! I stared at my 3DS, mouth agape like a Magikarp, and hurriedly used an Ultra Ball. That Trapinch is now a Flygon, and is on my copy of X to this day.

My first shiny in Alpha Sapphire was also one I wasn't expecting:

I was on Route 16 for whatever reason after beating the game. I belive I was checking out some of the DexNav exlcusive Pokemon when I encountered a shiny male Oddish! I did not and do not have the shiny charm for Alpha Sapphire. It was a full 1 in 4096 odds shiny. I caught it with Nest Ball and evolved it into a Bellossom named Okika. Okika is Hawaiian for Orchid. 

I have more stories, but I think these are good to start out with.

I was trying to fill my dex in pkm moon to get my shiny charm and I had to find a bonsly (the last pokemon I needed on Akala Island). I was running around and I saw the shadow of a bonsly and thought "cool, now I can move on to the other islands" and when I heard the shiny noise, I saw the purple/light brown bonsly Smile
While looking for a shiny tauros in x, I found myself in horde battle after horde battle. In one i found a shiny Wingull. I still have it and it is sitting in pokebank.
(Aug 9, 2017, 02:17 PM)0kamii Wrote: @"Anabel"

I was Shiny hunting in Pokémon X and I was long past 5,000 encounters for a Shiny Eevee in the Friend Safari. I was totally over the hunt, and just wanted to get it over with. And then out of nowhere, while I'm on campus, a Shiny Eevee appears! But here's the kicker. It was a female! So now, I have a totally legit Shiny Female Umbreon, and I named her Bella Luna. Smile

- 0kamii

Dude I'm so jealous  XC I have 2 Shiny Eevee both male! Congratulations on a great find!
Thanks for all the good times~
(Aug 9, 2017, 11:56 AM)Chansey Wrote: My Porygon in Sun.  I wasn't trying to get one- I just clicked to receive the Porygon and the first try it was shiny.  Completely unexpected!  Smile
Here I am at 700 eggs for Porygon :O Nice work
Thanks for all the good times~
(Aug 9, 2017, 04:51 PM)PokѐGuy Wrote: Man.

Where do I begin...?

I'll start with the earliest one I can remember:

It was 2013, I had just beat the game on my copy of Pokémon X, and I was on Route 12 for wahtever reason. I was walking in the fenced grass patch at the start of the route when I had random horde encounter. I was already a bit surprsied, but when one of the Wingulls sparkled, I remember thinking to myself, "IS THAT A SHINY?!" Yes, it was; my first ever shiny. A Wingull with green wing bands. I caught it, evolved it into a Pelipper, and then traded it for a Celebi sometime later. 

Another random shiny that occured on my copy of Pokémon X:

I was checking out a Freind Safari that I had gotten. It was Ground type, and it had Trapinch, Palpitoad, and Camerupt in it. I had seen all the Pokemon in it and decided that I wanted to check out another safari. I was just about out of the grass when I encountered anohter Pokemon. It was a shiny Trapinch! I stared at my 3DS, mouth agape like a Magikarp, and hurriedly used an Ultra Ball. That Trapinch is now a Flygon, and is on my copy of X to this day.

My first shiny in Alpha Sapphire was also one I wasn't expecting:

I was on Route 16 for whatever reason after beating the game. I belive I was checking out some of the DexNav exlcusive Pokemon when I encountered a shiny male Oddish! I did not and do not have the shiny charm for Alpha Sapphire. It was a full 1 in 4096 odds shiny. I caught it with Nest Ball and evolved it into a Bellossom named Okika. Okika is Hawaiian for Orchid. 

I have more stories, but I think these are good to start out with.


Wow awesome finds, especially Trapinch
Thanks for all the good times~
(Aug 9, 2017, 05:43 PM)bambam081890 Wrote: While looking for a shiny tauros in x, I found myself in horde battle after horde battle. In one i found a shiny Wingull. I still have it and it is sitting in pokebank.
Wow me too man
Thanks for all the good times~

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