As most of you know I'm an avid Shiny Hunter, now clocking in at 140 legitimate Shiny Pokémon obtained. As to be expected, you will get some insane finds while hunting, whether it be low number of encounters or a 1% find. Today's question: What's the craziest Shiny Pokémon find you've ever had, do you still have the Shiny? Let me know and have a fantastic day.
As for me, I was doing Random Encounters during an Island Scan hunt for Roselia, and found it.
Well I definitely know what mine would be. I had just finished the water trial during the storyline on Sun and had just been given the fishing rod. So, I was like "let's have a go at this bubbling rockpool and then continue because it'll just be a magikarp".
Lol okay i always tell this story xP I was HA hunting salandit but I figured I might as well try to get a female HA just to start off easy, so I used the cute charm trick to increase the odds of females showing up but I never would've imagined I'd get a shiny 4iv HA Female that some how had timid!!! I was on the bus and I almost missed my stop in astonishment xD
(Aug 9, 2017, 08:37 AM)wartty Wrote: Lol okay i always tell this story xP I was HA hunting salandit but I figured I might as well try to get a female HA just to start off easy, so I used the cute charm trick to increase the odds of females showing up but I never would've imagined I'd get a shiny 4iv HA Female that some how had timid!!! I was on the bus and I almost missed my stop in astonishment xD
The craziest shiny i got was in ORAS and it was a shiny giratina on my first encounter i was originally hunting nicada but after 600+ chain it broke so i decided to go for a legendary instead.
it appeared as soon as i stepped on the train and took me a while to catch in a timerball unfortunately i lost it because my game file got corrupted and had to start the game all over i loss over 90 shinies
Aug 9, 2017, 10:10 AM (This post was last modified: Aug 9, 2017, 10:11 AM by Kris.)
(Aug 9, 2017, 09:57 AM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: The craziest shiny i got was in ORAS and it was a shiny giratina on my first encounter i was originally hunting nicada but after 600+ chain it broke so i decided to go for a legendary instead.
it appeared as soon as i stepped on the train and took me a while to catch in a timerball unfortunately i lost it because my game file got corrupted and had to start the game all over i loss over 90 shinies
Ouch that sucks man hopefully you reclaim them soon
I was Shiny hunting in Pokémon X and I was long past 5,000 encounters for a Shiny Eevee in the Friend Safari. I was totally over the hunt, and just wanted to get it over with. And then out of nowhere, while I'm on campus, a Shiny Eevee appears! But here's the kicker. It was a female! So now, I have a totally legit Shiny Female Umbreon, and I named her Bella Luna.