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[DISCUSSION] Top 3 Favorite Pokemon!!! NON SHINY
[Image: rapidash.png]

Rapidash been my third favourite Pokemon even before I started playing Pokemon lmao. I have a fire fetish tbh, but anyways. It's design, though not the most imaginative, is pretty cool - a Pony with flames. I honestly love it's shiny form a lot more than it's normal form though

[Image: pangoro.png]

Pangoro is my second favourite. Very calm in nature but when it gets upset, IT GETS UPSET! Base 124 attack stat plus Iron Fist/Scrappy and even Mold Breaker on occasions puts nearly everything in the hospital. 6 words: IRON FIST CHOICE BANDED HAMMER ARM!

[Image: vibrava.png]

Vibrava is my all time favourite Pokemon (no, I do not like Flygon. It's overhyped and desperately needs a mega evolution). It's mostly contributed to the fact that Vibrava has been clutch in my first playthroughs of X and Emerald. I remember it, after evolving, became a major staple in gym battles and sky battles. Seeing it evolve into Flygon (after 10 very looooooong levels) kinda killed the hype for me because of how Flygon started one shotting everything with Dragon Claw, Fire Blast, Crunch and Earthquake (yes, I used this exact set in both Emerald and X)
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Top 3 Favorite Pokemon!!! NON SHINY - by Marcusube - Jan 17, 2016, 06:33 PM
RE: Top 3 Favorite Pokemon!!! NON SHINY - by Shadow - Jan 17, 2016, 08:13 PM

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