Jan 10, 2018, 09:07 PM
I have to finish u moon(still at rock trial)
Collecting stuff on old moon is becoming like smoking... I can't stop collecting aaa..
I saw that this month some good games are coming (or are released) like new digimon game, and another game for ps4 called ''nino kuni'' something. (It had some stuff similiar to pokemon in previous version about evolving monsters at lv and other similiar things with pokemon) but in this version they removed that i think..
Collecting stuff on old moon is becoming like smoking... I can't stop collecting aaa..
I saw that this month some good games are coming (or are released) like new digimon game, and another game for ps4 called ''nino kuni'' something. (It had some stuff similiar to pokemon in previous version about evolving monsters at lv and other similiar things with pokemon) but in this version they removed that i think..