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[DISCUSSION] What do you think about hacking?
@Hatonacat you can not bring illegal Pokemon onto Battle Spot, trade it, etc. Someone's PSS icon is the little icon you pick and represents you on the bottom screen and on Battle Spot. Sometimes people changes their game around and they'll end up with a weird PSS icon. It could be a big Pokeball, Pokemon Center, gibberish, something that isn't a character in the game. If you find on of these people on Battle Spot, disconnect immediately it can mess up your game.
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
Thought You were talking about something else.Sorry Blush
(Sep 14, 2016, 10:11 AM)w2gMk Wrote: The only exception I have for this is in VGC competitions. If you took 5 minutes to get your team in while another person took idk... a month to get all of their stuff, the cheater has an entire month's worth of experience and knowledge over the other guy, and the prizes are literal life changers. A guy that made an honest team might lose out on a scholarship to some guy that had a laptop, and a liiiiitle bit of time. Not cool.

Thing is, 100% of the VGC players use Pkhex. They would rather train than breed.

Anyway, yes, for me using Pkhex is fine. It's not like you are using a software that makes you see your opponent choices in battle
I guess I'm the only one on the Strawpoll who thinks hacking is cheating and should be banned.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
I was really against hacking at first, I didnt like that people just typed in IV/EV numbers in seconds when people whould spend weeks on 1 pokemon to make it of any use in comp battles. My major thing against hacking tho is shinies (im more of a shiny hunter than a battler), and that I would spend a long time looking for a shiny pokemon but it being useless in comp because of its nature or IV's but some guy just selected that pokemon to be shiny really made me mad. However recently I have been trying to use PKHex as I want to get into comp battling but GF make it sooo hard to form a team legit. Plus once you finally get the 6 pokes you wanted you may want to try different ones or different tiers. This made me think hacking is ok as it really lets you do what the games try to teach, use all the pokemon as they all have strengths. This really annoyed me as you would beat the game with a team that you formed however after you finish the game and start comp they are useless to you, when completing the game I dont soft reset so my starter has the best nature I just play and have fun with my pokemon (like the game is made to be played). That fact that it would be useless to use my main story team in comp annoys the hell outta me because the whole point of the game is to form bond with your favourite pokemon.

Long rant over I hate how hard GF makes it to make pokemon comp ready (although im really looking forward to hyper training, should help this problem) so I really ok with hacking pokemon as long as they arent shiny (I know how long it takes to get one, cheating them in hurts me) and are comp legal.

Sorry is I wasted your time :s

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