Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and for my miscellaneous Friday post, I want to discuss Shell Smash!
I've been in love with this move since it was first introduced, and the very first pokémon I ever used that took advantage of this devastating stat boost was Crustle I had on my Black 2 team. It swept everything after a single click, and while Shell Smash may not be the greatest move to use in the competitive scene (VGC Doubles, that is), Shell Smash continues to be one of my favorite strategies when participating in Singles. Even in recs when anything goes. So I thought it'd be a lot of fun to share some of my favorite Shell Smash using pokémon below, and let you all tell me what some of your favorite Shell Smash sets are too. If you're one of those trainers that's never used Shell Smash, you are missing out. It is so satisfying to pull off successfully.
Set 1: Cloyster

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Liquidation
I've been in love with this move since it was first introduced, and the very first pokémon I ever used that took advantage of this devastating stat boost was Crustle I had on my Black 2 team. It swept everything after a single click, and while Shell Smash may not be the greatest move to use in the competitive scene (VGC Doubles, that is), Shell Smash continues to be one of my favorite strategies when participating in Singles. Even in recs when anything goes. So I thought it'd be a lot of fun to share some of my favorite Shell Smash using pokémon below, and let you all tell me what some of your favorite Shell Smash sets are too. If you're one of those trainers that's never used Shell Smash, you are missing out. It is so satisfying to pull off successfully.

Set 1: Cloyster

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Liquidation
I love using Shell Smash Cloyster. Dragon-Types don't know what hit them, and it's refeshing to use a traditionally defensive pokémon in an offensive way. While you could easily substitute the White Herb for a Focus Sash, or switch out Liquidation for something like Ice Shard, or Hydro Pump, I just like the option of having Water-Type STAB available after +2. Shell Smash Cloyster is also special to me because it's the Shellder I Shiny hunted in only 17 eggs. I named him Wikiwiki; I figured he earned it.
Set 2: Crustle
![[Image: crustle.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/crustle.png)
Crustle @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
![[Image: crustle.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/crustle.png)
Crustle @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
My Crustle, Hala'i, does immeasurable damage in recs with this set. I've used her to dominate my friends' teams in battle numerous times, and despite knowing she's coming, they never seem to prepare. My love of Bug-Types is well-documented, and as Crustle was my first Shell Smash pokémon, she's certainly a candidate for the best. At least in my humble opinion. Feel free to swap Stone Edge for Rock Slide if you're worried about accuracy. Her natural ability in Sturdy lets her setup with Weakness Policy carefree, and pain inevitably follows. Simply put, she's a bug, but she'll be the one stepping on you!
Set 3: Carracosta
![[Image: carracosta.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/carracosta.png)
Carracosta @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Liquidation
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
![[Image: carracosta.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen5/carracosta.png)
Carracosta @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Liquidation
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
Carracosta is a unique case. It is quite literally a hybrid between Cloyster and Crustle, least as far as Shell Smash users go. Offering Water-Type STAB, which is never bad, and the natural ability Sturdy (negating the need for a Focus Sash), Carracosta has the potential to decimate teams if given the opportunity to set up. That is, provided all its threats have been handled. A max-invested Jolly Carracosta at 50 has 92 Speed. After Shell Smash, that goes up to 184. So base 116+ mons can still outspeed you. Be aware of this if you decided to use Carracosta. I've personally used this Carracosta at a tournament held by my campus, but I sadly took second place because my Carracosta was knocked out by a Focus Sash Lurantis, losing all my momentum. No one could've prepared for that. Regardless, I'd use this set again, and I highly recommend you all try it too.
Set 4: Minior
![[Image: minior.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/minior.png)
Minior @ White Herb
Ability: Shields Down
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Earthquake
- Acrobatics
- Rock Slide
![[Image: minior.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/minior.png)
Minior @ White Herb
Ability: Shields Down
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Shell Smash
- Earthquake
- Acrobatics
- Rock Slide
If you've noticed some repetition with the movesets (full 252 investment, Earthquake, Rock-Type STAB), there's a reason for that. Most pokémon that get Shell Smash have access to similar STAB. With the exception of some Shell Smash mons that won't be on this list (Magcargo, Torkoal, Omastar, Shuckle), a lot of Shell Smash pokémon are physical attackers. Minior can do either one, as it has access to Power Gem and other special attacks, its physical moveset is slightly better in my opinion. White Herb seems like the natural choice here, as Shield forme Minior has little need for a Focus Sash. It's Flying-Type also lets it switch in safely to the ever present Earthquake, which gives you a clean opportunity to go for Shell Smash. However, Minior is not the only Gen 7 mon to get Shell Smash.
Set 5: Turtonator
![[Image: turtonator.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/turtonator.png)
Turtonator @ Focus Sash
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Shell Smash
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Pulse
- Will-O-Wisp
![[Image: turtonator.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/turtonator.png)
Turtonator @ Focus Sash
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Shell Smash
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Pulse
- Will-O-Wisp
The only Special attacker on my list of best Shell Smash mons, I will be the first to admit that while Turtonator is one of my favorite Gen 7 pokémon, this really is the only way to decently run one. You'd think a mon with 135 base Defense and 85 base Sp. Defense would be bulkier, but it's really not. That Fire-Type leaves it weak to Stealth Rocks and Earthquake, two major problems for any mon in Singles. Not all is lost for Turtonator. If you can get Shell Smash off, the Blast Turtle Pokémon can make for a scorching endgame sweeper. Dragon Pulse over Draco Meteor 1) for no accuracy issues, and 2) so you don't lose that +2 you just gained. You can switch Will-O-Wisp for Focus Blast or any other coverage move, but I like having it to leave foes burned when I know Turtonator is about to go down. Makes for a nasty parting gift.
So which on is the best? Well, of my personal five picks, I'd say that the top contenders are Carracosta and Minior. Mainly because Minior is immune to Ground-Type attacks, and Carracosta isn't weak to Stealth Rocks like the other four. Obviously, damage from Stealth Rocks will throw wrench in your plans from the beginning, so best to clear those before you attempt any of their strategies. Overall though, I would love to use some of these sets in more competitive formats, but there's a reason we don't. I refuse to end on a negative note though, so don't forget to share with me some of YOUR favorite Shell Smash sets, and if you've got any stories using this move, I'd love to hear them. Be on the lookout for my Monday post when we discuss all our favorite mons from the OG region, Kanto!
Thanks so much for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
P.S. Here's a replay PIMPNITE posted of a Shell Smash sweep with Torkoal in Gen 6. That's the kind of hilarity I live for!
So which on is the best? Well, of my personal five picks, I'd say that the top contenders are Carracosta and Minior. Mainly because Minior is immune to Ground-Type attacks, and Carracosta isn't weak to Stealth Rocks like the other four. Obviously, damage from Stealth Rocks will throw wrench in your plans from the beginning, so best to clear those before you attempt any of their strategies. Overall though, I would love to use some of these sets in more competitive formats, but there's a reason we don't. I refuse to end on a negative note though, so don't forget to share with me some of YOUR favorite Shell Smash sets, and if you've got any stories using this move, I'd love to hear them. Be on the lookout for my Monday post when we discuss all our favorite mons from the OG region, Kanto!
Thanks so much for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
P.S. Here's a replay PIMPNITE posted of a Shell Smash sweep with Torkoal in Gen 6. That's the kind of hilarity I live for!

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