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DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario)
You both brought some great ideas to the table! I like Delta's idea of using Azumarill. A bulky water-type Pokémon that applies offensive pressure while resisting Lucario's weaknesses. I'm really digging the Mega Lucario+Politoad+Sylveon core though! It makes a lot of sense and I really want to try it out.

Personally, I had two Pokémon in mind. I was thinking of either Amoongus or Thundurus. Redirection support from Amoongus with a Rocky Helmet can help weaken Pokémon like Mega Kangaskhan, which Lucario can then clean up. Spore is also an incredibly helpful move. Thundurus, on the other hand, can Thunder Wave speedy threats (minus Landorus) that would normally give Lucario trouble. I feel like Thundurus would make a great addition with the Lucario+Politoad+Sylveon core. Ludicolo would also fit on the team along with Politoad, providing a fast Pokémon in the rain that can handle Landorus and bulky water-types like Milotic, Suicune, and Rotom-W.

So far, I'd go with the following team:


For the last slot, I feel like we'd need something to deal with Heatran and/or Aegislash. Politoad and Ludicolo could deal some major damage to Heatran, especially in the rain, but I'd feel better with a Pokémon that had a strong Ground-type move. It'd also help deal with Aegislash. Landorus is an option, as much as I'd rather not use him. Any other options?

Again, I'm just brainstorming here! By no means is this the team that we have to go with. If you have any other team options, please post them!

Messages In This Thread
DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario) - by DanielJames - Aug 27, 2015, 07:22 PM
RE: DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario) - by Delta - Aug 27, 2015, 07:44 PM
RE: DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario) - by Marcusube - Aug 27, 2015, 08:04 PM
RE: DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario) - by DanielJames - Aug 27, 2015, 10:04 PM
RE: DJ's Square One (Mega Lucario) - by Delta - Aug 28, 2015, 07:52 AM

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