Mar 28, 2016, 03:44 PM
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2016, 01:26 AM by Excalibur0126.)
You don't need any event Pokemon to complete the National Dex. This includes Mew.
Venonat - Breed Venomoth
Venomoth - Friend Safari (Bug and Poison)
Mankey - Friend Safari (Fighting)
Primeape - Evolve Mankey
Growlithe - Friend Safari (Fire)
Arcanine - Evolve Growlithe
Ponyta - Friend Safari (Fire)
Rapidash - Evolve Ponyta
Seel - Breed Dewgong
Dewgong - Friend Safari (Ice)
Grimer - Breed Muk
Muk - Friend Safari (Poison)
Gengar - Evolve Haunter
Drowzee - Friend Safari (Psychic)
Hypno - Evolve Drowzee
Krabby - Friend Safari (Water)
Kingler - Evolve Krabby
Tyrogue - Friend Safari (Fighting)
Himonchan - Evolve Tyrogue
Hitmonlee - Evolve Tyrogue
Hitmontop - Evolve Tyrogue
Happiny - Breed Chansey or Blissey holding a Luck Incense
Chansey - Friend Safari (Normal)
Blissey - Evolve Chansey
Tangela - Friend Safari (Grass)
Tangrowth - Evolve Tangela
Kingdra - Evolve Seadra
Elekid - Breed Electabuzz or Electivire
Electabuzz - Friend Safari (Electric)
Electivire - Evolve Electabuzz
Magby - Breed Magmar or Magmortar
Magmar - Friend Safari (Fire)
Magmortor - Evolve Magmar
Pinsir - Friend Safari (Bug)
Omanyte - Revive Helix Fossil at the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab
Omastar - Evolve Omanyte
Kabuto - Revive Dome Fossil at the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab
Kabutops - Evolve Kabuto
Aerodactyl - Revive from Old Amber at the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab
Articuno - Roaming Kalos*, Sea Spirit's Den** (Only one) (if the player chose Chespin)
Moltres - Roaming Kalos*, Sea Spirit's Den** (Only one) (if the player chose Froakie)
Zapdos - Roaming Kalos*, Sea Spirit's Den** (Only one) (if the player chose Fennekin)
*Cannot be caught while roaming
**After 11 roaming encounters
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.