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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking to add friends for more types in friend safari
Hey I'm looking for friend codes to be able to catch and hunt more Pokemon in friend safari in x and y

My FCs

0903 3261 5451(normal type)
And 2681 4872 5392 (dragon type)

thanks for your help ! I'll add you too when you post your FCs

You are welcome to add me, if I remember right mine is flying type if that is of any use

FC: 3239-7541-1024
You can add me, mine is Ghost type Smile
Water is best type, they are beautiful and strong.
I've added both of you, but dont you also need to add me for it to work in the friend safari ?
@Shadow92 Ohhh actually I just got a new 3ds and I need to find out what my new safari is :D wanna add me well figure out a time to both be online?
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
(Oct 26, 2017, 02:06 PM)wartty Wrote: @Shadow92 Ohhh actually I just got a new 3ds and I need to find out what my new safari is :D wanna add me well figure out a time to both be online?

Sure, is the friend code the one in your profile ? or have you got a new one ? add me and tell me if yours is the one from your profile Smile
I have water type with gyrados and krabby. Haven't unlocked 3rd poke but plan to soon.

Fc 306800680014
ign kyros

FC: 3068-0109-9710 IGN: peplu
My Friend Safari is grass with Tangela if my memory serves me correctly...
Hi I would like to add all of you on pokemon Y 

My friend code is 3351-4558-5469

In my sarfari
@Shadow92 sorry for the late reply looks like you never came back online anyways though so
@peplu ohh grass safaris are kinda rare ! Think we could schedule a time to both be online in XY and I could unlock your safari?
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3

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