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[FRIEND SAFARI] Need Friend Codes Please!
(May 22, 2016, 07:31 PM)teekaytee613 Wrote: yo i recently beat Yhow do you find out whay mons you have in your friend safari
 and can i add your FC
mine is 2981 9480 9418
(May 22, 2016, 07:05 PM)ehju0901 Wrote: Electric Safari
  • Electrode
  • Electabuzz
  • Luxio

My FC is 3583-2197-0463
Let me know if you add me so I can return the favor!

Once you add me I can go on friend safari and see what you have.  I added you now.
@shadowwalker96  added you back xD
(May 22, 2016, 07:05 PM)ehju0901 Wrote: Electric Safari
  • Electrode
  • Electabuzz
  • Luxio

My FC is 3583-2197-0463
Let me know if you add me so I can return the favor!

I already added you and you  can find my friend code under the profile
hi i'm new, i don't know type of my safary can you add me please
friend code: 1693 1816 7444
name: kail
(May 24, 2016, 08:39 AM)darkcail Wrote: hi i'm new, i don't know type of my safary can you add me please
friend code: 1693 1816 7444
name: kail

I added you.  Once you add me back I can see what you have.
@darkcail  added you xD

my fc is 2637 9887 4651 Wink
@darkcail i add you , you can add me back 
You are add guy's, but shadow you are sure you add me ?
@darkcail you have a psychic safari with sigilyph and grumpig as your first two pokemon.
My code is 4012 - 7503 - 0427 reply with your code so I can add you thanks

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