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[FRIEND SAFARI] want more friend safaris
I dont got a lot of friends with friend safari hunting places so I decided to make a post to try and get some more
mine is steel with metang magneton and keflik.
Im pretty open to any fc's, but braxien and pumpkaboo ones are what im really wanting
my friedn code
1779-4221-2203 Smile
(Oct 7, 2016, 06:02 PM)YoungsterMark Wrote: my friedn code
1779-4221-2203 Smile also, i know a ghost with pumkaboo
i have x but my favorite is omega ruby would i still be abil to give you code
my friend code
0361-9089-6874 :^)
I don't have what you're looking for, but I'd love a Metang FS!


Diggersby - Sandshrew - Nincada


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