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[GIVEAWAY] 4/5iv helioptiles
Hello all I have about 27 4/5iv helioptiles various spreads on them. They are all timid nature dry skin ability with egg moves glare and agility. I have been the recipient of various generous giveaways on these boards and i would try and return the favor. So if anyone wants a helioptile comment below leaving your friend code and IGN. My friend code is to the left and my IGN is Brandon. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your helioptiles.
Hey man could I take a 5IV one? IGN: Ivan, fc is to the left Smile
Sure no problem just got done registering you
Awesome I'm going online now!
Can I have one fc2208-7469-8001 ign:may
IGN: Banestar
FC: To the left

Thanks for the generous giveaway Smile
Yes you can. Just registered.
can i grab a 5IV one?
FC: 3797-7110-5551
IGN: dean
You sure can. Added an ready to trade
getting on now! thanks!

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