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[GIVEAWAY] 6IV Legit BR Pokémon - First come First Served!
Can i have a Greninja?
@itsmekhairi the Greninja has already been traded but Im sure @Tenebris_Kane  would love to supply a Gengar for you.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
(Apr 21, 2018, 06:26 PM)Dova Wrote: @itsmekhairi the Greninja has already been traded but Im sure @Tenebris_Kane  would love to supply a Gengar for you.

yes i would love gengar i deposited a male level 54 alakazam.
(Apr 21, 2018, 06:45 PM)itsmekhairi Wrote:
(Apr 21, 2018, 06:26 PM)Dova Wrote: @itsmekhairi the Greninja has already been traded but Im sure @Tenebris_Kane  would love to supply a Gengar for you.

yes i would love gengar i deposited a male level 54 alakazam.
No, wait for Tenebris to breed you one. Im not in control of the GA.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
Hi guys, my Internet was dead for a week so I couldn't trade, sorry about that @Dova

I hopefully will send.out a few of these this week and then I can get started on the last couple that have been requested.
May I have a salamence?
I was wondering if you had any more dark types

I am currently not offering any more Pokémon at this time as I am preparing to deliver the 6 that I have currently been working on. Unfortunately it has taken far longer than expected due to a variety of unforseen circumstances howver since I am now on holiday for a while I should be able to get these sorted and potentially offer new Pokémon in the near future. I will let you know if I plan on starting any dark type breeding projects.
@RetroTyphlosion  @AverageJoe @rekt_mudkip @Dova

Hi guys, it has been a while and I apologise about the delay but life has been busy. Anyway.. I have some 6IV BR Pokémon all ready for you and it wasn't easy. To be clear I have bred so many boxes of these Pokémon I lost count and after soo many I even hatched a shiny Pancham and Bagon for my collections! Tongue

To make things simpler I will ask that if possible you deposit something worthless in GTS and give me the details. I recommend something like a metapod. From there I will send the Pokémon your way!
@Tenebris_Kane Can we do a link trade Friday at 9:00 PM EST? I also want a bold and impish ditto. Thanks

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