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Pokémon Deposited: Dratini
Pokémon Level: 1
Game: Pokemon X
Gender: Male
IGN: Syndra
Message: Thanks a lot!

EDIT: Looks like it got sniped? New Pokemon is Absol, the rest is still the same.

Received it! Thank you so much!
Pokemon deposited. :  Watchig

level : 34 

gender. : female

ign pat

message #pkmn Thrive
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
Deposited: Absol
Gender: Male
Level: 29
IGN: Shin Kitsune
Pokémon Deposited: Cyndaquil
Pokémon Level: Lv. 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Miguel
Message: Thanks!

thank you so much!! :D :D

Edit: Thanks just received it!
@ShinIori319 Traded!
@Syndra Traded!
@TZKey Traded!
@Fennekins Traded!
@masterchif11799 Traded!
@CSquared1025 Traded!
@Pattyback11 @icgo @Mclovin_pokemon @Moshikal15Snipped... Let me know if you add something else or if you want to add my FC! 
@BrokenFemurs okay... I went through at least a hundred Froakies, like half an hour searching. I'm not exaggerating. I didn't find yours and I don't really have much time. PM me or something if you wanna add my FC!
@Shaqmow Traded!
OMG, Thanks a lot fot your Awsome help. You are the best!
Gracias mi amigo
[b]Pokémon Deposited: Pansear
Pokémon Level: 4
Gender: Male
IGN: Anna
Message: Thank you!! 

I'm going to add your friend code too! Smile

EDIT: I have received the beautiful globby specimen. Thanks again!
My precious baby boy has arrived.

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