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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@Mr-Soybean Can't have masterball pokemon with eggmoves
@wartty Enjoy Smile
@Schuenemann Enjoy Smile

I've put up an Exeggute on the GTS for the Klefki...

Deposited : Exeggcute (nicknamed moo311)
Gender & Level : Female Lv.40 in an Ultra Ball
Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
Wanted :  Klefki Female Lv. 91 or higher

Thanks again! :D
Your great thank you no puns this time x3 last request
Deposited: Exeggcute 
Gender: Female Lv: 1
Requesting: Tentacool
IGN: wartty 
@Keith_Kuruzu Enjoy Smile
@wartty Enjoy Smile
Im online
@Darkpower Ok
Eternal flower floette plz,
FC: 0147-3076-7349
Not shiny
The rest doesn't matter,
Friends name: LoonyStuff
IGN (OR/AS): Sean
link trade
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Eternal floette is illegal, therefore it can not be traded at all
@moo311 whenever. :D just needs to be level 50+ floette with move light of ruin
edit: just Seen that, okie
@moo311 Damn moo too good ~ x3 thanks again I'll figure out 4 four eventually hope this is still around <3

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