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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]

I've put up another Exeggute on the GTS for the Gliscor...

Deposited : Exeggcute (nicknamed moo311)
Gender & Level : Female Lv.41 in an Ultra Ball
Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
Wanted : Gliscor Male Lv. 91 or higher

Also, here's my next request. 

Pokemon : Forretress
Shiny : Yes
Gender : Female
Nickname : Golden Salvo
Level : 100 (Hatched Lv.1 in Mirage Mountain, Hoenn, in ORAS)
Nature : Relaxed
Item : Master Ball
Ability : Overcoat
Pokerus : Yes but cured
OT (Optional) : Brock
Ribbons : Battle Tree Master Ribbon
Region of Pokemon (Optional) : ENG
Pokeball : Premier Ball
IVS : SPEED IV = 0; make the rest garbage IVs; afterwards, use Bottle Caps to max everything except SPEED
EVS : 252 HP / 252 DEF / 4 SP.DEF
Moves :
- Gyro Ball
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
- Stealth Rock
Relearn Moves (Optional) :
- Counter
- Power Trick
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes

Thanks again! :D
@That_cute_pikachu Enjoy Smile
@jceey15 Enjoy Smile
@Keith_Kuruzu Enjoy Smile
@Darkpower Sure, just tell me a time you're available/your timezone.
@PokeBoi Tell me a time you're available/your timezone. Also, mew can't be in a love ball, so I'll put it in a cherish ball. Also, it can't learn hypnosis so I put on roost.
@Mr-Soybean Spinda can't be in a master ball and know egg moves, so I'll put it in a luxury ball. Also, it can't know an ORAS move tutor move and a gen 7 egg move, so I'll make spotlight copycat. Also, intimidate is unreleased.
@Theobroco Sludge wave gengar can only be in a dusk ball. Also, mew can't be in a cherish ball so I put it in a premier ball.
@Enrique154 Enjoy Smile
(Aug 2, 2017, 11:58 AM)moo311 Wrote: @That_cute_pikachu Enjoy Smile
@jceey15 Enjoy Smile
@Keith_Kuruzu Enjoy Smile
@Darkpower Sure, just tell me a time you're available/your timezone.
@PokeBoi Tell me a time you're available/your timezone. Also, mew can't be in a love ball, so I'll put it in a cherish ball. Also, it can't learn hypnosis so I put on roost.
@Mr-Soybean Spinda can't be in a master ball and know egg moves, so I'll put it in a luxury ball. Also, it can't know an ORAS move tutor move and a gen 7 egg move, so I'll make spotlight copycat.
@Theobroco Sludge wave gengar can only be in a dusk ball. Also, mew can't be in a cherish ball so I put it in a premier ball.

Ok Just add my FC then i Give the Request Right now

Thanks so much!! Smile Smile Smile

Its 2809-9380-5958
Pokemo deposited:Exeggcute
Pokemon request:Charizard

@PokeBoi Sure
@Enrique154 Enjoy Smile
pokemon deposited : exeggcute names moo311
level : 1 
gender : female
pokemon wanted greninja
ign:    DD
MESSAGE i want to trade of a pokemon that is strong in battles
@That_cute_pikachu Enjoy Smile
Okay perfect I don't really care about the Cherish Ball on Mew, I just thought it was an event so compulsory Cherish Ball but I guess not, and I had no idea Sludge Wave was event only on Gengar. Thanks! Trying to catch you on Festival Plaza since you seem to be online!
I'm ready to trade im going online my time zone is est my ign is hawkeye
Again thanks a lot!

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