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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
@Darkpower Enjoy Smile
@Arquero All pokemon must be link traded. Also, nasty plot celebi is with the time travel event, not the 20th aniversary event, so the IGN is GAMESTP
@Arderico Enjoy Smile
@Keith_Kuruzu Enjoy Smile
@XoxExplodingXox Wrong deposited pokemon
@afsetxafset Mandibuzz can't be level 50 since it evolves at level 54
@Odizie We have to link trade since it's holding the mega stone
@PokѐGuy Enjoy Smile
@Master_jug Enjoy Smile
@rayqon I can trade tomorrow around 11:45 AM EST if you can.
@morbodork Enjoy Smile
ign: Z
deposited: exeggcute
request: Trevenant
lvl: 50
shiny: yes
nature: careful
ability: harvest
moves: Horn leech..leech seed... wopd hammer.. substitute
ev: 252 atk/sp.def 4 hp
iv: 6iv

OT: Z 

thanksss again! :D

request # 3

I've put up another Exeggute on the GTS for the Aggron...

Deposited : Exeggcute (nicknamed moo311)
Gender & Level : Male Lv.40 in an Ultra Ball
Message : I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
Wanted :  Aggron Male Lv. 91 or higher

Thanks again! :D
Deposited a level 1 Female exeggcute
Pokemon: Pidgeot
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Item: no
Ability Big Pecks
Pokeball: Dive Ball
IVS: All 31
EVS: 252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Def
Heat Wave
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):
Air Slash
Brave Bird
OT (Optional): Vanilluxefan
thank you for your time
Thanks! On to the next set. Ign: totoro

Pokémon: manaphy
Shiny if possible
Level: 100
Nature: timid
Ability: hydration 
Item: leftover
Moveset:tailglow, ice beam, hidden power, scald

Pokémon: celebi 
Shiny if possible
Level: 100
Nature: timid
Ability: natural cure
Item: left overs
Moveset: psychic, toxic, giga drain, baton pass

Pokémon: shaymin
Shiny if possible
Level: 100
Nature: modest
Ability: natural cure
Item: left overs
Moveset: earth power, hidden power, leech seed, psychic

Pokémon: deoxys -s
Shiny if possible
Level: 100
Nature: timid
Ability: pressure
Item: left over 
Moveset: focus blast, psychic, shadow ball, ice beam
I deposited a lvl 42 male exeggcute for latios ign is hawkeye
deposited: exeggute
Ultra Ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
level req: 91 or higher

Pokemon: Kartana
Shiny: No
Gender: No
Nickname: mememeister
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: no
Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Pokeball: Timer ball
IVS: 6
EVS: 252 Attack, 252 HP
Moves: False Swipe, X-Scissor, Psycho Cut, Airslash
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional): Ryan
@moo311 I'll be on plaza in the next 10minutes! If you can't trade then can I make an appointment tomorrow morning? Been trying to catch you for a few days now and I've been INCREDIBLY UNLUCKY!  Blush
2.diamond storm power
Ability clear body
Nature naive
8 atk. 248 spa 252 spe
item diancite
Hp being fire
Hey! I would really like to get Arceus and Darkrai, but im not sure if theyre considered legal pokemon? If not I would really like a Shiny Mega Rayquaza, or just a normal shiny Rayquaza. Btw. should we do it through GTS or standard trading?

Pokemon: Darkrai
Shiny: no
Gender: -
Level: 100
Nature: any
Item: Enigma Berry
Ability: Bad Dreams
Pokerus: no
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 attack / 4 special defense
Moves: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Phantom Force

Pokemon: Mega Rayquaza
Shiny: yes
Gender: -
Level: 100
Nature: adamant
Item: life orb
Ability: delta streams
Pokerus: no
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
EVS: 252 HP/ 252 attack / 4 special defense
Moves: Dragon Ascent, Earthquake, Extremespeed, Sword Dance

Pokemon: Arceus
Shiny: no
Lvl: 100
Everything else: you decide
Just a lvl. 100 Arceus, with a standard moveset.

Thanks a lot!!

My FC: 0877-5155-6977

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