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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)
I do have bad luck at those months... I left home, my computer was broken. my grandpa died... 2014, 2015... etc... So... I Feel u...
I want two Pokémon, one of them is from an event: Meloetta and Cofagrigus...
We'll need to trade directly... So... This is my FC: 1118-1578-3654...
Please reply me when we will get to link trade because I really want these Pokémon, and if you get to make them, I'm gonna be very happy. I can also give you my discord account if you wish, so you can contact me which is MightyDusty #7931... I don't want you to be pressure so, whenever you can dude.

The 1st one:

Pokemon: Meloetta
Level: 100
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: No
Ability: Serene Grace 
Nature: Naive (+Spe, -SpD)
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
IVS: 6
EVS: 252 Atk, 40 SpA, 216 Spe
Pokeball: Event Ball
Shiny: No
- Relic Song
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
- Return

And the 2nd:

Pokemon: Cofagrigus
Level: 100
Gender: Female
Nickname: Majora
Ability: Mummy 
Nature: Bold
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
IVS: 6
EVS: 248 HP, 252 Def, 8 SpD
Pokeball: Moon Ball (IF IT CANNOT BE in Moon ball for some strange reason, it can be Dusk Ball)
Shiny: Yes
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split 
- Haze

Thank you very much, in advance  Blush
(Mar 11, 2017, 10:21 PM)TrueBlue Wrote:
(Mar 11, 2017, 07:06 PM)moo311 Wrote: Also, IGN is Gold.
Thanks again so much

pokemon deposited: Growlithe
Level: 1
Pokemon requested: Bronzong
IGN: Candy
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Pokemon: Sceptile
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb
IVS: 5iv Atk,SpAtk,Speed,Def,SpDef like 25 ivs on speed if possible Smile
EVS: 252 Atk 4 Def 252 Speed
Pokeball: Pokeball
Shiny: Y
-Swords dance
-Leaf Blade 
If you can make the OT Henry, Thanks! Melrose
I already asked for this yesterday, but because i missed a line in the rules I kind of failed, so I hope it is ok to post it again, i am going to switch the deposited Pokemon and only put it up in the GTS if you say so, because you already put my Snorlax on the done list, so I don`t know when to put it in the GTS this time.

Pokemon deposited: Misdreavus
Level: 8
Gender: Female
IGN: Lyra

Pokemon requested: Snorlax
Nickname: Curselexa
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Beast Ball (if this isnt possible, than change it to a normal Pokeball)
Ability: Gluttony
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spdef
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 0 in SpAtk / 31 in the rest
Item: Mago Berry
-Body Slam

Here is the Showdown Copy for a quicker input:
Curselexa (Snorlax) (F) @ Mago Berry  
Ability: Gluttony  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Body Slam  
- Crunch  
- Curse  
- Recycle
Pokemon Deposited: Wishiwashi
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female

Pokemon requested: Bewear
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Ability: Fluffy
Nature: Adamant
Item: Choice Band
IVS: 6ivs
EVS: 252 Atk4 Def252 Spe
Pokeball: Heavy Ball
Shiny: Yes
Moves: Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Double-Edge

Pokemon requested: Mimikyu
Level: 100
Gender: Female
Ability: Disguise
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb
IVS: 6ivs
EVS: 252 Atk4 SpD252 Spe
Pokeball: Beast Ball
Shiny: Yes
Moves: Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Play Rough, Shadow Claw
Can I get a Mew and a Rayquaza?
Hey! Hope it's still going !
Pokemon: Thundurus-Therian
Level: 100
Gender: /
Nickname: Thor
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Modest
Item: May I ask a Lopunnite? (otherwise, a Life Orb)
IVS: Juste perfect would be great ^^
EVS: Max SpeAtt/Spe, what is left in spedef
Pokeball: Luxury Ball
Shiny: No
-Hidden power (ice)
-Nasty Plot
-Focus Blast

Thank you very much in advance ~
And the seconde one;
Gender: female
Nickname: Beautée
Ability: Sap sipper
Nature: Adamant
Item: Assault Vest
IVS: Perfect
EVS: Max Att/HP, what is left in def
Pokeball:Honor Ball
Shiny: Yes B)
-Power whip
Thank you so much <3
@moo311 It's ok it's in a cherish ball Thanks :D

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