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[GIVEAWAY] Breeding resources! (6 IV Shiny JPN HA Dittos, Items, Insta-hatch, etc.)
A modest or adamant ditto with leftovers/ Choice Scarf would be apprediated
I could really use this resource but have only just joined this forum. Do i just add your friend code and wait for you to see my post? Any help is great, I need to get on that beldum train and I have a very poor starting breed pool for it.

A Ditto - Adamant - Power weight Would be great please Smile
Adamant Ditto with power anklet?
(Jun 22, 2015, 02:28 PM)PruuChan Wrote: Alright, so if you need anything to help with your breeding you've come to the right place.

What I have to offer:

Ditto [JPN] @ Destiny Knot
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes

They are shiny Japanese 6IV HA Dittos by default. I have 5 of each nature. I also have them with their normal ability, and you can choose a different item if you prefer, from the list below.

- Everstone
- Destiny Knot
- Power Weight
- Power Belt
- Power Weight
- Power Lens
- Power Band
- Power Anklet
- Lucky Egg

If you'd like multiples of the items, have Pokemon ready to scrap. I will be trading you 'mons holding the items you want.

- Insta-hatch eggs

I can instantly hatch eggs for you if you'd like. Just trade me the eggs and I can mass-hatch them quickly. Usually I keep the breedjects and just trade you the ones you'd like to have less trading to do, but I can trade you all of them back upon request. One box per person per time, please.

Alright, so if you'd like a Ditto or anything else, just reply with this info below-

What do you need?
Ditto- Ability, Nature, Item
Items- Which item, how many
Insta-hatch- How many eggs

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day Smile
idlike a ditto with a power anklet please , adamant nature
I'd like a
Ditto [JPN] @ Destiny Knot
Nature: Any, Surprise Me
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes

Please and Thank You
Ditto with Adamant nature and Everstone please :D Thank you so much for this thread!
(Sep 8, 2015, 03:36 PM)bradar485 Wrote: I could really use this resource but have only just joined this forum. Do i just add your friend code and wait for you to see my post? Any help is great, I need to get on that beldum train and I have a very poor starting breed pool for it.

ok I misunderstood maybe?

Anyhow if I do it like er'yone else then I'd like:
A adamant or jolly ditto with a destiny knot.
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Imposter
6 IVs
Thank you Smile
A timid jap shiny ditto with destiny knot would be great

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