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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED]A wild Mew appeared!![CLOSED]

This giveaway is now CLOSED!

Congratulations to everyone who received one!
Thanks to you, my pokedex is a lot more complete!
Thank you Alpha Sapphire owners! Because of you I now have all of the version exclusives! You guys are amazing!

And all you rep+ peeps, you da bomb!

Apologies for those who did not receive one. Fortunately for you, there will be other giveaways.

[Image: 250px-151Mew.png]

This Mew is originally from the 2010 Fall Wi-Fi event for HeartGold and SoulSilver.

This means:

                                         Mew is level 5
                                         Pound is it's only move.
                                         Mew is in a Cherish Ball
                                         Possesses a Premier Ribbon
                                         The OT is FAL2010 with ID no. 10160


                                         It's holding a Master Ball.
                                         It's IVs have been modified so that all six stats "simply can't be beat!"
                                         It has a Timid nature and therefore has the following EV spread: 252 Sp.Atk 252 Speed and 4 HP

[Image: 151-Mew.png]
0 of 151 Remaining!
Add me ;D
IGN: Shifu
Hey again my friend code is on the left ign jade and if you want I can give you an omanyte
Added you there, IGN is Denny FC is 4957-2772-6929.

I can send you on a Lotad.
Adding you now. IGN: Beth FC: to the left
IGN alex FC:4098 4431 1628! ready to go whenever
Awesome Id love to get one!! I already added you. Im on Omega Ruby, FC 5300-9567-6631 IGN Ryan
I'd like one!
IGN is Luna
I have Alpha sapphire so I can give you a lotad, sableye, seviper, lunatone or Sawk (currently the ones I have found :P)
I believe I have a Lotad or Lombre lying around in my boxes.
IGN: Randall
FC: 5429-9464-1924
IGN Evyii FC: 0104-0954-2662
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

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