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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! [CLOSED]
[Image: 5oH3.gif]

[Image: 117h3pe.jpg]

Level 52 Male Altaria
Shiny: Yes!
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature with 6IVs
- Dragon Dance
- Return
- Earthquake
- Roost

Hello again cuties! I've decided to do another giveaway, this time with 50 shiny Altarias! These yellow beauties are EV trained and battle ready, centered around releasing the full potential of Mega Altaria! This will again be handled via the GTS to make the process easier and quicker for both parties involved.

As explained last time, this is first come first serve and will end after I give away 50 of these little dudes. I'm expecting to do these giveaways quite often, however, and would like your feedback on future giveaways. If you'd like, tell me what kind of Pokemon you'd like to see in future giveaways. Please put this in the same post as the Pokemon you deposited. This will help keep the thread organized and me to not go crazy!

When depositing your Pokemon, please do not deposit a starter or very easily obtained Pokemon. If you deposit a Zigzagoon, Peliper, etc it's going to take me a long time to search through them and it may be near impossible to find you. Just as noted last time, please post in the format as follows so I can get through all of you quickly and you can be united with your new Pokemon sooner.

Example Post
IGN: kawaii chan
Pokemon Deposited: Sylveon
Level: 22
Gender: Female
Message: Altaria!!

Request a level 52 male Altaria when you deposit your Pokemon. This will help you not get sniped! =^-^= ♥ If you do get sniped, I will pm you and have you redeposit a new Pokemon. In the case that you discover you were sniped and have not received a message from me, edit your original post. Please do not double post, or the wrath of Mega Altarias will be unleashed upon you!!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the giveaway, but do not send me messages asking for a Pokemon. You will not get ahead in line and I will tell you to make a formal post on here. I really appreciate you guys cooperating and following my rules, I may sound strict but I promise I'm nice. I just like to stay as organized as possible! ♥ Hope you guys enjoy the giveaway!

My current status is: OFFLINE

[Image: tumblr_static_cbzydth7cxs0kco048w0wkc0o.gif]

Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥

Messages In This Thread
[CLOSED] Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! [CLOSED] - by PrincessSylveon - Oct 30, 2015, 05:29 PM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Zahlk - Oct 30, 2015, 06:43 PM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Jok3r - Oct 30, 2015, 07:03 PM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Jok3r - Oct 31, 2015, 02:16 AM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Neath - Oct 31, 2015, 10:31 AM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Neath - Oct 31, 2015, 10:32 AM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Dazho - Oct 31, 2015, 03:44 PM
RE: Shiny Battle Ready Altaria Giveaway!! - by Wei - Oct 31, 2015, 07:49 PM

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