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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA
IGN: Alexandra
POkemon Deposited noibat
Gender male
Level 1
Message Angel

Gallade ^□^
IGN: Jenaro
Pokemon Deposited: Meditite
Gender: female
Level: 1
Message: Angel

Thanks! could i get an weavile this time?
a masterball would be much appreciated
IGN: Patrick
LF: Emboar
Pokemon Deposited: Poliwag
Gender: male
Level: 1
Message: Angel
IGN: William
Pokemon deposited: Raticate
Gender: Female
Level: 24

Can I have a Hoopa?
could i request this?

Mamoswine (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Thick Fat
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Max IVs
Adamant Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Icicle Spear
Name: nace
Pokémon Deposited: Furfrou
Gender of Pokémon: male
Level of Pokémon 10
Message on GTS: ANGEL
May I have Snorlax if it's still available?
Thanks for the Hoopa
My second request:
IGN William
Deposited skorupi
gender male
level 30
can I have a landourus
IGN: Enrique
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Level: 18
Message on GTS: Angel

Landorus, please.
Thread has been updated with some other pokemon, also if someone didn't get the desired poke, pm me and i will send you the good one, 10 minutes left till closing. Enjoy.
can i have the mamoswine with this moveset please. thankyou for doing this so fast, youre so nice!

Moveset:Icicle Crash-Rock Slide-Earthquake-Icicle Spear

Name: Evelyn
Deposited Pyroar
female level 30
message: Angel

EDIT, redeposited because of snipe

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