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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA
IGN: Alexandra
POkemon Deposited noibat
Gender male
Level 16
Message Angel

Ign: Atlas
Pokemon deposited: castform
Gender: female
Message: Angel
Hoopa please!
Name: Catie Bell
Pokemon Deposited: snubbull
Gender of Pokemon: female
Level of Pokemon: 30
Message on GTS: Angel.

Would love Zapdos for my dex, it's the last of the first gen that I need!

P.s.- thanks so much for the weavile Smile pumped for the spooky cup now!
Could I get a Carracosta?
Name: Kyle
Pokemon Deposited: Pelipper
Gender of Pokemon: Female
Level of Pokemon: 25
Message on GTS: Angel.
can i have a hoopa?
ign: Ash
pkmn: Porygon
gender: N/A
level: 52
message: Derp

thank you!!
IGN: Alexandra
POkemon Deposited Feebas
Gender male
Level 1
5 perfect IV's
Swifts Swim ability
Message Angel
I was sniped, so I thought I try this pokemon. What do you give a man who has everything? Not sure, but hopefully this will be a good trade. ^^
1st is Hoopa not sure about the level sorry

IGN: Miya
POkemon Deposited Tepig
Gender male
Level 1
Message Angel
I'm a logger

I record my Pokemon journey in this diary

so a journeyer?

Name: Adam
Pokemon Deposited: Marill
Gender of Pokemon : Male
Level of Pokemon : 1
Message on GTS: Angel
Scuicune Please! *Edit* Received, thank you so much! :D
IGN: Simon
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Level: 33
Gender: Male
Message: Angel

i was wondering if i could get one of those Gliscores?
Name: COFY
Pokemon Deposited: Haunter
Gender of Pokemon: Female
Level of Pokemon: 58
Message on GTS: Angel.

Suicune please. Smile Awesome person!

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