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[GIVEAWAY] Dassah's Ditto Shop *Now Open* Please read everything.
Pokémon Deposited: Magickarp
Pokémon Level: 10
Gender: Female
IGN: James Holmin
Message: Thx Dassah!
Any Special Requests: (Ex: natures, regions, etc): Japan 6IV Modest if you can, please and thank you!
Pokémon Deposited: Magikarp
Pokémon Level: 1
Gender: Female 
IGN: Hermione
Message: I would like a 6 IV Ditto. P.s. I would just like to say that you are so awesome for doing something like this and just so you know I will pay it forward!  Smile
Any Special Requests: (Ex: natures, regions, etc) Japanese, shiny if possible.
Pokémon Deposited: Magikarp
Pokémon Level: 15
Gender: Female
IGN: Victor
Message: Dassah
Any SpecialSpecial Requests: Just a 6IV Ditto would be FINE!
Pokémon deposited: Magikarp
Gender: make
Level: 15
IGN: Ken Mac 
Message: Dassah
Pokémon Deposited: Magikarp
Pokémon Level: 1
Gender: Female
IGN: nico
Message: Dassah
Any Special Requests: 6iv is awesome, jappanese shiny is epic :D
(Jul 31, 2016, 02:09 PM)Oddish 4 ever Wrote: Pokémon Deposited: Wingull
Pokémon Level: 5
Gender: female
IGN: Dawn
Message: Thank You!
Any Special Requests: Quirky nature
Thanks! Smile

Redeposited with a lvl 10 female Magikarp Smile
(Jul 31, 2016, 04:41 PM)Nargles01 Wrote: Pokémon Deposited: Magikarp
Pokémon Level: 1
Gender: Female 
IGN: Hermione
Message: I would like a 6 IV Ditto. P.s. I would just like to say that you are so awesome for doing something like this and just so you know I will pay it forward!  Smile
Any Special Requests: (Ex: natures, regions, etc) Japanese, shiny if possible.

my pokemon was snipped. Another level 1 magikarp female has been deposited. 
Pokemon deposited gyarados
level 41 
gender female
Ign Benjamin
message thank you 
any special request: shiny 6 IV Japan adamant
So I don't have a magikarp and I can't get one for a couple days cuz I won't be able to play, but after that when I would be able to play again I won't have wifi for 2 weeks because of vacation and would love it if I could use a grimer instead so I could start breeding before then.
Ignore that^ I had a small window to play so now I have the magikarp
pokemon: magikarp
gender: male
level: 25
special request: 6IV Adamant nature would be perfect
IGN: Ethan
Ty in advance!

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