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[GIVEAWAY] Fall Cleaning
Hi I have some Pokemon to give away

Rules of the Giveaway
1 You can either get 3 of the 5 iv pokemon or one of the 6 iv ones
2 Once a pokemon is gone it's gone  (I go in order of post )
3 Please be patient
4 Please in your post tell me how you want to trade

6 iv
GONE Phantump Female Impish Ha
Feebas Male Calm Ha

Mudkip Male Adamant 4 Egg Moves Bite Avalanche Double Edge Curse
Phantump x1 Female Frisk Impish
Beldum Adamant
Rhyhorn x2 Female Impish Lightningrod
Starly Female Keen Eye Adamant Egg Moves 2 Roost Double Edge
Drifloon Male Unburden Modest Egg Move 1 Hypnosis
Shuppet Male Ha Adamant Egg Move 1 Destiny Bond
Ralts Female Adamant Synchronize Egg Move 1 Shadow Sneak
Spearow Male Keen Eye Adamant
GONE Illumise Ha Timid
GONE Chimchar Male Adamant 3 Egg Moves Fake Out Thunder Punch FIre Punch
GONE Phantump x1 Female Ha Impish
GONE Growlithe Male Intimidate Egg Moves 1 Close Combat
GONE Feebas Male Modest Oblivious Egg Moves 1 Dragon Pulse
GONE Munna Male Synchronize Quiet 4 Egg Moves Baton Pass Helping Hand Healing Wish Magic Coat
GONE Karrablast Male Swarm 4 Egg Moves Megahorn Drill Run Knock Off Pursuit
GONE Ponyta Male Run Away Jolly Egg Moves 4 Morning Sun Hypnosis Horn Drill Low Kick
GONE Swablu Male Natural Cure Calm 3 Egg Moves Hyper Voice Power Swap Feather Dance
GONE Lotad Male Ha Calm 2 Egg Moves Giga Drain Leech Seed
GONE Elekid Female Static Adamant Egg Moves 2 Cross Chop Ice Punch
GONE Female Dream Ball Sand Force Adamant Egg Moves 2 Rapid Spin Metal Sound
GONE Squirtle Male Calm Egg Move 1 Dragon Pulse
GONE Torchic Female Ha Jolly Egg Move 1 Baton Pass
GONE Golett Iron Fist Adamant
GONE Chinchou Modest Volt Absorb
Ill take the torchic, ponyta, and mudkip, just restarted, so I need to go catch 3 random mons.
(Oct 12, 2015, 10:37 AM)Nuclear Pikachu Wrote: Ill take the torchic, ponyta, and mudkip,  just restarted, so I need to go catch 3 random mons.

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added you
I´ll take the Golett the karrablast and the Munna just add me and ill trade 3 randoms with you. And my Fc is 0318 not 0218 ( mistakes were made.
Thanks +1
(Oct 12, 2015, 10:50 AM)kikiliano Wrote: I´ll take the Golett the karrablast and the Munna just add me and ill trade 3 randoms with you. And my Fc is 0318 not 0218 ( mistakes were made.

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Could I have the Lotad, the Drilbur, and the Chinchou. I would like to trade via PSS. Friend Code and IGN are on the side. Thanks Smile
(Oct 12, 2015, 10:54 AM)Eugenio Wrote: Could I have the Lotad, the Drilbur, and the Chinchou. I would like to trade via PSS. Friend Code and IGN are on the side. Thanks Smile

Friend Code Added and Hopping Online Now
(Oct 12, 2015, 10:54 AM)terrorkid94 Wrote:
(Oct 12, 2015, 10:50 AM)kikiliano Wrote: I´ll take the Golett the karrablast and the Munna just add me and ill trade 3 randoms with you. And my Fc is 0318 not 0218 ( mistakes were made.

Your Friend code has been added

Ty a lot ^^

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