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[GIVEAWAY] Genning [Gen 7]
damn a shame for the berry oh well :D 
fearow first Smile
deposited lvl 1 male
want to fill my dex
@AverageJoe Enjoy Smile
@Keith_Kuruzu Enjoy Smile
@CJ pokemon fan Passes legality check
@Saichi What time?
@yungshu97 Enjoy Smile
@element_x49 Enjoy Smile
@rayqon Enjoy Smile
@clarksonvaughn Darkrai can't be lvl 50 (event)
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female 
Pokemon requested: Accelgor
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

thanks ~  Smile
Hey, @moo311!

Hate to request your services again, but I'm Shiny hunting Buzzwole and I need something to withstand its attacks. Decidueye isn't cutting it, so I need a different Ghost-type False Swiper!

Level of deposited: 40
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon requested: Aegislash (preferrably 100, if possible)
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance.
It's in a Quick ball, and by this point I'm pretty sure you know my IGN. Thanks so much, moo. Get to it whenever you have the chance. You earned it after last month's giveaway. Thanks again for that! Big Grin

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
Sorry I got busy tomorrow at 5:30 est time
Level of deposited: 45
Gender: male
Pokemon requested: Kangaskhan level 91 or higher
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Nicknamed Moo311
Don't worry if you can't deposit with the mega stone, I should have a spare or I can just buy one from the battle tree.
@element_x49 Enjoy Smile
@0kamii Enjoy Smile
@Saichi I'm busy most of today and most of the weekend. I can trade monday 5:30 PM EST
@yungshu97 Enjoy Smile
@AverageJoe Some unexpected plans came up and I might not be able to make the trade
@moo311 are you good to trade now?
Thanks for all the good times~
Sounds good can I ask for 4 more Pokémon?
Hey, @moo311 ! I don't this very often, so I'll make it quick. I just need the one since I can't find it in Ultra Warp Ride and the GTS is garbage. Thanks! 
Atlas (Landorus-Therian)
Level: 60
EVs: 244 HP / 12 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature 
- Earthquake 
- Rock Slide

- Knock Off
- U-turn
I really appreciate what you do for the community! Thanks a lot!

Breeder Scott - Proud Member of the Amethyst 0mega Breeder's Guild

Looking for breedables? Check out my new shop

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