Poll: Should I constantly post the done list as soon as I update it?
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[GIVEAWAY] Genning [Gen 7]

I’m also online so I can trade when you’re ready as well ?

ill go online now let me know when ur done
@Magic_Mutch Ok, I should be free in 10-15 minutes
@silverslash I should be free in 15-20 minutes

So I can deposit another exeggcute for Manaphy right?

Also I don’t think I’ll be able to make a time to trade for the other event pokemon so if it’s allowed someone else can take them! Sorry about that if it caused any inconvenience! Great giveaway though!! :D
@Killer_Raven I think so, it doesn't have the classic ribbon. Also, I'll just delete them, it takes me 10 seconds to gen a set of pokemon. In the meantime, you can request more pokemon that you can claim via gts
(Jun 4, 2018, 03:01 PM)moo311 Wrote:
Done List:
@Magic_Mutch Aegislash, Porygon-Z, Dragonite, Audino, Sylveon
@inexxotica Gardevoir, Marshadow, Ninetales, Venusaur, Mew
@Killer_Raven Diancie, Manaphy, Silvally
@Buddhafuldays Celesteela
@Saichi Rayquaza, Victini, Necrozma, Aegislash, Kangaskhan
@AverageJoe Bulu, Sceptile, 2 Zygarde
@Blubbypowers Mareanie, Jangmo-o, Mudsdale, Beldum, Sylveon

[font]=10pt·        =10.5ptIGN: BakChorMee[/font]·        FC: 066276123278

Thanks! I've added you as a 3ds friend whenever you're available Smile
Okay awesome thank you!!
@moo311 sorry i was eating, but i came back for 30 minutes. I'm heading online now
@AverageJoe No worries, in fp right now

Current trades:
@moo311 I have an idea. Idk if it would work well, but at the end of the month (like where you'd usually release em) , if enough people don't claim their mons you could host a tourney and give the mons to other people, they have a week to claim them and the tournament is the first saturday or something. Idk if anyone'd be interested tho

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