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[GIVEAWAY] Genning [Gen 7 only]
I'm back doing my hacking giveaway after a lengthy hiatus. Most of the rules and such remain the same.

Please read everything. It's not that much and it makes both of our lives easier

1) Gen 7 only
2) Be patient, I'm only one person
3) GTS only, so pokemon/items must be tradeable over GTS (no events or mega stones)
4) 1 pokemon at a time (once you claim your pokemon, you can request another one.
5) If you don't claim your pokemon within 2 weeks, I'll delete it.
6) Requesting format is strict. In order to ensure legality and make my life easier, you will have to request pokemon showdown style.

How to request a pokemon:
1) Go to
2) Go to Teambuilder
3) Make a pokemon
4) Once you've made your preferred pokemon, go back to team and hit import/export
5) Copy it and paste it as a post in this giveaway

Depositing in GTS:
Pokemon deposited: Preferably something that's not too common (don't deposit starters or early game pokemon)
Pokemon requested:

Note: IGN will be moo311 and pokeball will be regular. If you want any more customization, then explicitly say it in your request.
Nice to see you are back, moo! We missed you man Big Grin
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
moo Oh my god I missed you wb!

Requested: Vulpix-Alola (M) @ Park Ball  -Item doesn’t matter if impossible- Lvl. 100
Ability: Snow Warning  (This is like the 3rd shiny xd I guess I just want *warning* instead of cloak.)
Shiny: Yes  
- Sheer Cold  
- Blizzard  
- Iron Tail  
- Ice Beam

Deposited: Male Froakie (lvl 1) (IGN Sean just incase). Message: This is a Pokémon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully.

Cheers. So nice to see you again!
(Jun 28, 2019, 07:51 AM)moo311 Wrote: I'm back doing my hacking giveaway after a lengthy hiatus. Most of the rules and such remain the same.

Please read everything. It's not that much and it makes both of our lives easier

1) Gen 7 only
2) Be patient, I'm only one person
3) GTS only, so pokemon/items must be tradeable over GTS (no events or mega stones)
4) 1 pokemon per person
5) If you don't claim your pokemon within 2 weeks, I'll delete it.
6) Requesting format is strict. In order to ensure legality and make my life easier, you will have to request pokemon showdown style.

How to request a pokemon:
1) Go to
2) Go to Teambuilder
3) Make a pokemon
4) Once you've made your preferred pokemon, go back to team and hit import/export
5) Copy it and paste it as a post in this giveaway

Depositing in GTS:
Pokemon deposited: Preferably something that's not too common (don't deposit starters or early game pokemon)
Pokemon requested:

Note: IGN will be moo311 and pokeball will be regular. If you want any more customization, then explicitly say it in your request.

Unfortunately Pokemon showdown in being a huge pain and won’t export! Sincere apologies but I may have to write it down if that’s possible! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

id love a shiny nick-named level 100! female Toucannon with 5IVs (no investment in SPA) with the following. 

Tutti-Frutti (Toucannon)  
Ability: Sheer Force  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
- Roost  
- Seed Bomb  
- Gunk Shot  
- Beak Blast  

Deposited a level 1 Male Inkay! IGN Rosie

hope this is okay!
@Black Waterfall Thanks man, it feels good to be back
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Enjoy Smile
@PyukuMyMuku Enjoy Smile
(Jun 29, 2019, 05:02 PM)moo311 Wrote: @Black Waterfall Thanks man, it feels good to be back
@Pwimawh_Kiogah Enjoy Smile
@PyukuMyMuku Enjoy Smile

Thank you so much! Will definitely use your services next time!
Hey @moo311 !! Thanks alot for Your Genning service, You'r saving my ***! ;D

May I ask You for this exact 'mon?

Reuniclus @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Acid Armor
- Psyshock
- Recover

Shiny, with maxed IVs, OT Beardedpanda, in Great Ball and nicknamed Gel-O. 

Pokemon deposited: Avalugg
Level: 41
Gender: FEMALE
Pokemon requested: Reuniclus 91+

Thanx alot if it's all possible. I owe this one to my friend. ;x
@Arathriel Enjoy Smile

Sorry if I didn't make it clear, just edited the rule to say if you claim your pokemon, then you can request another one.
(Jun 30, 2019, 06:04 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Arathriel Enjoy Smile

Sorry if I didn't make it clear, just edited the rule to say if you claim your pokemon, then you can request another one.
Wow can we really request another? Oh my is there anything I can do in return? This is an amazing giveaway and I love my gorgeous toucannon!
(Jun 30, 2019, 06:04 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Arathriel Enjoy Smile

Sorry if I didn't make it clear, just edited the rule to say if you claim your pokemon, then you can p request another one.

Oh my god wait... I DON’T have to wait until next time? Holy crap you’re literally a saviour I have no clue what I’d do without you... in that case... next time now means next time I feel the need to have one :3. In fact...

Requested: Eevee (M) @ Silk Scarf  (If possible OT: Sean)
Level: 100
Ability: Anticipation  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA  
Lonely Nature  
- Last Resort  
- Double-Edge  
- Synchronoise  
- Iron Tail

In GTS: Level 1 Male Froakie. Nickname: Froxy. Language: German. IGN: Sean. Message: This is a Pokémon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
Requested: Male Eevee level 91 or higher.

Thank you so much!

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