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[GIVEAWAY] Groudon: 100 Pokemon Giveaway #6 [Closed]
Pokémon wanted :GROUDON
Pokemon Deposited:gengar
Gender :male
Level : 35
Message : 100 GA unit
If u build it they will come... 
IGN: Ben
Game I'm using: Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon you're depositing: Krabby
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA Unit
Collecting and Battling (Either VGC or single battles)

Thanks! I appreciate you and your giveaways Smile
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
All sent
A legend fallen from grace.
Thank you you're amazing
pokemon wanted: groudon
pokemon deposited: Wailmer
Level 30
Alpha Saphire 
MESSAGE: 100 GA UNIT thanks!! +1  
reason: collecting!
IGN: Scott
Game your using: AS
Pokémon you're depositing: Solrock
Level: 19
Message: 100 GA unit
Using this pokemon for. Collecting,
Pokemon wanted: Groudon
Pokemon deposited: Wynaut
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Game: Y
IGN: Tony
Message: 100 GA Unit
Reason: Collecting!

Thank you!
IGN: Laning
Game your using: Y
Pokémon you're depositing: Sandshrew
Gender: Female
Level: 21
Message: 100 GA UNIT
pokemon deposited: meditite
level: 31
gender male
pokemon wanted: Groudon
game your using: Omega Ruby
IGN: July
message: 100 GA Unit
use: collecting

IGN; hont
Pokémon you're depositing: nidoran
Gender : male
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA unit
its for battel

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