Pokemon: Feebas (Milotic)
Nickname: Feebas (Milotic)?
Pokeball: Luxury Ball
Gender: Female
Ability: Marvel Scale
Nature: Modest
Shiny: Yes please
Item: Prism Scale if Feebas, leftovers if Milotic
IVs: 31 in all
EVs: All max -attack please
Moves: Surf, Scald, Recover, Hypnosis
Thanks in advance! Basically I want a shiny Milotic. Doesn't matter if you trade it as a Feebas of course with a prism scale but thanks so much
Pokemon: Charmander
Nickname: None (just leave it at Charmander xD)
Pokeball: N/A
Gender: N/A
Ability: N/A
Nature: N/A
Shiny: Yes please!
Item: N/A
IVs: N/A
EVs: N/A
Not too concerned about moves, just whatever seems like a good move set I guess xD
Thanks so much! I was trying to do the Masuda method but I have 0 patience ;-;
(Mar 27, 2016, 01:36 PM)Davizz Wrote: Wow this is great , I was wondering if you could breed me a shiny gible
Pokemon Gible
Nickname None
Pokeball : Pokeball
Gender Male
Ability Rough skin
Nature Jolly
Shiny yes Please
Item None
IV's 5IV's excluding Sp Attk
EV's Do them myself
Moves not necessary
1+ rep and thanks in advance
If you could breed me the same Gible with the Nickname "OnPoint" i would be very happy =)