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[GIVEAWAY] I've been gone.....(Closed; but there is something else coming....)
Pokemon Wanted: Umbreon (Shiny)
Nickname: None
Ability: Synchronize
Shiny: Yes
Level: 100
Gender: Female
Moves: Curse, Payback, Moonlight, Heal Bell
Nature: Careful
Item: Master Ball
Ball: Luxury Ball
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
IVs: 6 IVs

Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Haelou
MSG: yayumbreon
Pokemon Wanted: Yveltal
Nickname: None
Level: 100
Gender: N/A
Moves: Dark Pulse, Snarl, Foul Play, Protect
Nature: Timid
Item: Life Orb
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Dark Aura

Level: 20
Gender: Male
IGN: Wesley
MSG: 42max Turtke

Thank you so much!
Pokemon Wanted: Politoed
Nickname: Swirls
Shiny: No
Level: 100
Gender: female ♀
Moves: scald, icy wind, helping hand, protect
Nature: modest
Ability: drizzle
Item(NO megastones!): Sitrus Berry
Ball: Dive ball
EVs:68 HP / 188 Def / 108 SpA / 140 SpD / 4 Spe
IVs: 31 HP / 31 Def / 31 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe

Pokemon deposit: Cottoned
Pokemon level: 1
Pokemon gender: Male ♂
GTS message: 42max Only
IGN: Tyson
Pokemon wanted: Gardevoir
name: None
Shiny: yes
Level: any
Gender: Male
Moves: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Will-o-wisp
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Item(NO megastones!): None
Ball: Poke ball
EVs: No evs (i like to train my pokes)
IVs: 5 perfect ivs, no attack iv

I got sniped
Pokemon deposited is gardevoir level 50 and message is 42 MAX
Pokemon Wanted: Absol
Nickname: none
Shiny: yes please
Level: 50 or 100
Gender: male
Moves: moves that it learns
Nature: don't care
Ability: don't care

Pokemon Deposited: Kecleon
Level: 24
Gender: Female
IGN: Patrick
Message: 42max
Pokemon Wanted: Groudon
Nickname: None
Shiny: No
Level: 100
Gender: None
Moves: Precipice Blades, Fire Punch, Protect, Rock Slide
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Drought
Item(NO megastones!):
Ball: Any ball is fine
EVs: 252 Attack, 4 Special D, 252 Speed
IVs: 6 For all stats...

I deposited a: Goomy:
Gender: Male
Level: 1
In Game Name: Simone
Message on GTS: 42max
HELLO!!!!I would like to request this pokemon that i am looking for a long time!!!!let me know if y are able to help me to deposit something on GTS !!!!i would be grateful if y can!!!!and of course i can give y something of equal value Smile Smile Smile Smile

Pokemon Wanted: drapion
Nickname: None
Shiny: No
Level: 100
Gender: any
Moves: Knock Off Taunt Toxic Spikes Whirlwind
Ability: battle armor
Ball: pokeball
EVs: 252HP,252 SP DEF,4DEF
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Pokemon Wanted: beldum
Nickname: none
Shiny: yes
Level: 18
Gender: genderless
Moves: doesn't matter
Nature: adamant
Ability: clear body
Item(NO megastones!): metal coat

deposited : ralts
level : 3
IGN : May
gender : female
GTS message : 42 max

Thanks in advance!
Pokemon Wanted: Jirachi
Nickname: ジラーチ(preferably japanese, since the event is japanese)
OT: ひこぼし
ID: 07185
Shiny: No
Level: 100
Gender: N/A
Moves: Heart Stamp, Play Rough, Wish, Cosmic Power
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: Custap Berry
Ball: Cherish Ball
EVs: 176hp, 152atk, 180spe
IVs: 6iv

Pokemon deposited: Foongus
IGN: Vika
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Message: 42max

thanks @42max Turtke !!

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