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[GIVEAWAY] Last chance to get 10 Legendary Pokemon.{Final Trades HappenTommorow thru Friday}
(Dec 9, 2014, 03:21 PM)leponzitro Wrote: Hello guys and gals I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season especially you fellow college students, I know everyone is looking forward to break. Well I decided that for is holiday season I would do a massive giveaway of legendary pokemon. I had a vote earlier this month asking which legendary trios you guys would want to be featured in this giveaway. The winners were The Legendary Birds in first and the Swords of Justice in Second. In addition to these 2 trios being distributed I am also throwing in my personal favorite which is the Legendary Beasts.

So in total anyone who posts here will receive shiny 6IV Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Keldeo, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Entei, Suicune and Raikou

Also for those interested I am having a Raffle with anyone who PM me their FC and IGN with the title "Christmas Giveaway" On the 20th of December I will draw three FC at random and whoever wins will be the Grand Prize winners for December. The Grand Prize is below

Grand Prize
Tournadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Giratina, Palkia, Dialga and one mystery pokemon that will be unique to each grand prize winner.

Also since this is going to be a very large giveaway per trade I am currently getting all my boxes set up so take this time to put your name down and when it is officially open this Sunday you will get your legionaries fast. Also take this time to enter the Raffle, I already have a few entered but if you happen to get picked the payoff will be worth it.

Status Right Now
Making Final Preparations

Trade opens Thursday 6 p.m

Merry Christmas Everyone.
Sorry about first giant comment still figuring this out but merry Christmas and thanks for doing this I would love to be in the raffle

Ign: Michael
Friendcode: 4141-2957-2580
thanx man
I would love those pokes
Fc: to the left
IGN : Jettadia
Hello everyone I hope you are all doing ok and I also hope you are enjoying the giveaway. As of now Justus will be the last person to get them tonight. I will still have a lot more tomorrow so please everyone show up again tomorrow if you have not gotten your pokemon. Also since this is a very popular giveaway I will constantly be producing these legendaries for you guys until you guys and gals are not interested anymore. Also the raffle is still open if you want to test your luck.

I am stopping for the night mainly because I need a break. I hope to see many more people here tomorrow because the legendaries will still be here no matter when you post so dont be afraid to leave a reply.

Also if you have ay questions, comments or concerns feel free to leave a reply or PM me.

Also for those of you who question whether this is to good to be true I can guarantee you that if you post you will get your legendaries. Believe it! (Naruto reference lol)
Sad i just posted right now to Sad Sad
im sad now Sad Sad Sad Sad
(Dec 12, 2014, 06:58 PM)xXJettadiaXx Wrote: Sad i just posted right now to Sad Sad
What time zone are you? Just curious.
its 6 right now
(Dec 12, 2014, 07:01 PM)xXJettadiaXx Wrote: its 6 right now
9 P.M {Tomorrow I will make sure to get you.

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