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[GIVEAWAY] Legendary Pokemon [S/M] (Closed- Only Claiming Reservations)
IGN: Zach
Deposited: Sandygast, lvl 1, male
Requested: zapdos
Ball: quick ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex

Pokemon wanted: Articuno lv. 91 or higher
Pokemon deposited: Sandygast
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of deposited: male
Ball/Message (Optional): I want to fill my pokedex
IGN: Zach

I'm going to be trying to get ALL of these pokemon so if there's any way we could direct trade to make it faster please PM me! Thanks a lot either way!
IGN: Henderi
Deposited: Sandygast male
lvl. 21
Quick Ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Requested: Lugia

Thanks as always!
IGN: Joel
Deposited: Sandygast, lvl 1, male
Requested: Zapdos 
Ball: ultraball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex

Thank you Smile
this is insane! ~ly amazing!! @moo311 

Request #1

Pokemon wanted: Latias
Pokemon deposited: Sandygast 
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of deposited: Female
Ball/Message (Optional): RepeatBall
IGN: Ian

Thank you ~  Smile
IGN: Josan
Deposited: Sandygast, lvl 24, female
Requested: Lugia
Message: I wan to fill my pokedex

Ty!! ^^
@gkh1997 Around 2 hours adn thanks for reminding me.
@'Aqua The Sightseeing Feminist" Enjoy Smile
@Enrique154 Enjoy Smile
@Zakariot Enjoy Smile
@Dimmsdale Enjoy and the week after green, I will be link trading people the pokemon that they reserved. So, at the end of each week, you should reserve the pokemon you didn't get.
@Henderi14 Enjoy Smile
@memits14 Enjoy Smile
@element_x49 Enjoy Smile
@Jonaway Enjoy Smile
Deposited: Lvl 21 Male Sandygast
Wanted: Regirock
IGN: Cheese
Message; I want to fill my pokedex

Ty for your cooperation. And btw how do i make reservations? By simply just asking?
Thank you Smile can i also reserve too? Anyways heres my request

IGN: Joel
Requested: Lugia
Deposited: Sandygast Lv1 Male
Ball: Ultraball
Level: 91 or Higher
Msg: I want to fill my pokedex

Thanks in advance
@Aqua The Sightseeing Feminist Enjoy and yeah, just make sure it's clear which ones you want to reserve.
@memits14 Enjoy and yes.

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