Mar 4, 2018, 10:06 AM (This post was last modified: Mar 4, 2018, 10:15 AM by TheChickenDuck.)
Can I get Arceus please, shiny? But, if you dont have it, it's ok. Can I also get a shiny Yveltal if that's ok. Thank you, my info is on the left. My timezone is UTC-8:00
Mar 5, 2018, 08:27 AM (This post was last modified: Mar 5, 2018, 08:28 AM by mste1602.)
@Buddhafuldays I can be on now, @goldmalik sorry if I missed you, any other time? @TheChickenDuck yes you can have those, when are you normally on? @JohnDawg sure, when? @That_cute_pikachu thechickenduck forgot thousand waves. so core enforcer, thousand waves, thousand arrows, and land's wrath. also the pikachus are nature locked so they can only be hardy.
Can I get two Celebi, one shiny and non, a Shiny Jirachi, a Shiny Giritina, two Darkrai, one shiny and non, a Shiny Manaphy, a Shaymin, a Shiny Arceus, a Keldeo, a Meloetta, two Diancie, a shiny and non, a Hoopa, a Volcanion, a Shiny Cosmog, a Shiny Cosmoem, a Shiny Lunala, a Shiny Solgaleo, a shiny Necrozma, two Marshadow, one shiny and non, a shiny Poplio, a Shiny Celesteela, a Shiny Kartana, a Shiny Guzzlord, a Shiny Blacephalon and a shiny Stakataka
If that is too much, let me know and I'll shorten it by a lot. I'm sorry if it is.