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[GIVEAWAY] Mega Ready Camerupt, Sharpedo, and Lopunny Giveaway
The giveaway has ended. Please join me in future giveaways.
Ign gabky fc: 3110 4718 7376
Can i have them?
(Nov 16, 2014, 01:20 PM)gabky Wrote: Ign gabky fc: 3110 4718 7376
Can i have them?

You don't have to ask for them. Simply add me and I trade you in-game.
Yes please!
IGN: Deadwook
Added you right now, coming online, thank you so much *-*
Would like please. FC 0275-9504-4186 name Saiori
yes please!

ign: malia
fc to the right (i think we're already friends)
(Nov 16, 2014, 01:37 PM)discardedscarf Wrote: yes please!

ign: malia
fc to the right (i think we're already friends)

Yeah I already have you added. I think you meant to the 'left'.
IGN:Adam FC: <---over there somewhere.
It will be close to a hour until I can get to my DS. You don't have to wait for me. If you run out before I get online it's all good.

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