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[GIVEAWAY] (OFFLINE) free Ditto5/6ivs+Battle ready shiny +(TSV Check))
I want pinsir! I'm first? Deposited level 1 male girafarig (Gon) requesting level 100 pinsir. IGN: Marlee

Ign: Brainy
Level of deposited: 10
Gender: Male
Pokemon wanted: Ditto
Nature: Modest
Ivs: 6
Ability: Imposter

I have not deposited in sice you are offline. Thanks in advance!

Since you are currently offline, I will not depposit right now, but I really want Sylveon set #2. When I do post, it will look like this

Pokemon deposited: Mimkyu
Nickname: Gon
Level: 29
Gender: Female
IGN: Evan

Thanks in advance!
Ahhaha your just great :p hope you dont mind me leaving this here... when you say "for now" about tangrowth what would you mean exactly?? Smile
Requesting: Tangrowth
Shiny: Please ~
... Pokeball: Friend Ball ?
Deposited: Trubbish (Gon)
Lv: 27
Gender: Female
IGN: wartty
if the friendballs not possible atm is there anyway i could help?
thank you though ~ :D
(Mar 31, 2017, 12:23 AM)wartty Wrote: Ahhaha your just great :p hope you dont mind me leaving this here... when you say "for now" about tangrowth what would you mean exactly?? Smile
Requesting: Tangrowth
Shiny: Please ~
... Pokeball: Friend Ball ?
Deposited: Trubbish (Gon)
Lv: 27
Gender: Female
IGN: wartty
if the friendballs not possible atm is there anyway i could help?
thank you though ~ :D

@wartty I could possibly help you with that too and I'm catching Diggletts but need more info on my post if you want particulars
@DarienDenciati lol its okay i can wait for drangor to gen one :p if your really eager to shiny hunter i have a few other requests for you x3 ~<3
Hello! Smile
pokemon dep: alolan rattata (gon)
lvl: 7
gender: male
ign: snow
pokemon req: tangrowth male
Ign: Tricky
Deposited: lvl 43 Pelliper
Pokemon wanted: Milotic 
Gender: female

Hi! I'm depositing this time hoping you to be able to give me a Ditto
Deposited: Lillipup lvl  13 (GON)
Gender: female
IGN: Adridia
Pokemon I want: Ditto (If is possible for breeding trick room set)

IGN: Mommy
Deposited: Magikarp (killua)
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advanced.

Requested: Tangrowth

Thank you so much!

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