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[GIVEAWAY] [ORAS/XY] Huntaari's Factory #1 : Christmas Edition
Heya Monsters Lovers !  Angel

It's been a little while now that I've been benefiting from this wonderful community and it is maybe time to give back, to show how grateful I am.
And what better occasion to do that thaaaaan CHRISTMAS ! 
For my first GiveAway you get to have TWO Shiny among the list below.

I have to warn you though. It'll be on 6G. So... I hope there is still people playing on those games !  :P

[Image: 1482416970-pokechristmas.jpg]

Here's the list of Presents you can get.
[Image: 613.gif]
Level : 20
Gender : ♂
Hunting method : Horde

[Image: 582.gif]
Level : 20 
Gender : ♀
Hunting method : Horde

[Image: 684.gif]
Level : 30
Gender : ♀
Hunting method : Friend Safari

[Image: 333.gif]
Level : 10
Gender : ♀
Hunting method : DexNav

[Image: 439.gif]
Level : 11
Gender : ♂
Hunting method : Horde

[Image: 133.gif]
Level : 1
Gender : ♂
Hunting method : Egg

Possible Presents Combo :
- One or two Shinies.
The rules (Vinnie's Style) :
1. Via GTS.
2. Deposit one of the following pokemon:

[Image: 012.gif]     [Image: 001.gif]     [Image: 318.gif]     [Image: 133.gif]

3. Fill in the form below
Pokemon requested :
Pokemon Deposited :
Gender :
Level :
Message : Yotsuba
4. What's your ideal Christmas meal ?
5. Wait for it..
You can also count me in this :


EDIT 2016 december 24th.

So the 20 first who'll request any Shiny from now on will finally get all 6 ! This offer stands until December 26th, 11:59 PM (Paris TimeZone).
And those who already requested or reserved some before will also have them all (it they want so).


Cubchoo / Vanillite / Swirlix / Swablu / Mime Jr / Eevee
(O : delivered / X : reserved)
@vk1012  : O / X / X / X / X / X
@Sylux : O / O / O / O / O / O
@ShinyMudkip : X / X / X / X / X / O
@MistressGlaceon : O / O / O / O / O / O
@73cupsofspiders2 : O / X / X / X / X / X
@FengShuWay : X / X / X / O / X / O
@TheAbandoned : X / X / X / X / X / O
@CellyBean : O / O / O / O / O / O
@Mario2750 : X / X / X / X / X / X
@wapuurin : X / X / X / X / X / X
@nandawin : O / O / O / O / O / O
@Dusbusk : X / O / X / X / X / X

@JodieKatt98 : O / O / O / O / O / O
@aing_cue : X / O / X / X / X / X
@Yanderekun : O / O / O / O / O / O
@Donut__ : X / X / X / X / X / X


Merry Christmas to you all !
Pokemon requested : Cubchoo
Pokemon Deposited : Bulbasaur
Gender : Male
Level : 1
IGN : Walter
Message : Yotsuba

4. Ideal meal would be ham and peas. Delicious! :D

Thanks in advance!
@vk1012 : Merry Christmas ! Peas & Ham ! If you also want an Eevee, don't hesitate  Wink
Pokemon requested: Vanillite
Pokemon Deposited: Bulbasaur
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message: Yotsuba

If I had to choose a favorite christmas meal, it would be turkey. Smile
Pokémon requested: Eevee
Pokemon deposited: Metapod
Level: 18
Gender: Female
IGN: Tim

(will come back for another one of the listed later)

4. Pie

Thanks for the awesome gift
May i reserve a Vanillite and Swablu?
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
Hey! If the Eevee isn't too much trouble, then I will take it :D

Pokemon requested : Eevee
Pokemon Deposited : Bulbasaur
Gender : Male
Level : 1
IGN : Walter
Message : Yotsuba

Merry Christmas to you too!
@Sylux : Enjoy ! 
@ShinyMudkip : Enjoy ! (just.. next time deposit one of the listed Mon  Wink )
@MistressGlaceon : Of course !  Smile
@vk1012 : See below.

As I slightly changed my GiveAway. You can all choose two different Mons among the 6 listed (So Eevee included or not in your choice if you want 2).
Because.... why not ?  :P
Pokemon requested: Swirlix
Pokemon Deposited: Carvanha
Gender: Female
Level: 35
Message: Yotsuba

Thanks! Smile
Pokemon requested : Cubchoo 
Pokemon Deposited :Butterfree
Gender : Female 
Level : 23
IGN : Will
Message : Yotsuba
Thanks,  I'll come back to get an eevee after.

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