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[GIVEAWAY] Pokemon Sun And Moon Perfect IV Giveaway! (Rare, Shiny, Legendary, And More!)
Hey, my friend Raikirio should have finished his registration by now. Did you get his referral?

Obviously he won't be reclaiming a Pokemon for himself anytime soon since he doesn't even own a 3DS but well, nobody is perfect.

I have a quite specific request, it's an event pokemon so I believe everything has to be quite precise for it to be legal (right OT (Nintendo HK) and ID (12015), encountered lvl 25, the pentagon mark ...):

Pokemon: Jirachi
Level: 100
Gender: None
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Jolly
Item: None
IVS: Full 31 IV
EVS: 12 HP/ 236 Atk / 8Def / 252Speed
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
Shiny: Yes
- Iron Head
- Zen Headbutt
- Drain Punch
- Happy Hour

I believe Jirachi has only been distributed once with Happy Hour. If you need more info on the event to be sure that it is legal, it is described at Serebii (2015, others) and bulbapedia.

It is a fun set (although not fun to play against haha) so others might be interested as well.

In case you use PKHex, this might help you, but then remember to change the elemental punches with Drain Punch and Zen Headbutt because these attacks can only be learnt in ORAS.

I know it is a quite demanding request but as you may understand this set is absolutely impossible to get otherwise :'(

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RE: Pokemon Sun And Moon Perfect IV Giveaway! (Rare, Shiny, Legendary, And More!) - by Theobroco - May 10, 2017, 01:50 PM

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