Currently giving out Flygons... cause why not...
Current Status: Closed
Reason: I think I have given enough time... I need to close this, so I will be able to prepare for the next giveaway.
If you want one, this is what you do...
Place a Wurmple in the GTS looking for a level 50 Flygon with the message "Cuz Why Not?"
Please Post If you have deposited your Wurmple
Pokemon : Wurmple
Level : 3
Gender : Female
IGN : Blaze
Message : Cuz Why Not?
If there are any complications please post asap...
Thanks for That_cute_pikachu info...
Please check all your Flygons... if it's IV is not "Outstanding"... Please deposit the Flygon I gave out asking for another lvl 50 Flygon with the message "BaygonsBeFlygons"
Please post if you have...