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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] Shiny Legendary Dogs + Mystery gift
One night when I was about 16/17 I was walking around this place near my hometown that has a bunch of craft shops, used book stores, etc. but also has quite a few bars. My friend and I were just randomly meowing at people, sometimes really quiet or like screaming, "MEOOOOW!!". A police officer thought we were drunk (legal drinking age is 21 in US so it would have been underage drinking) and we had to undergo a sobriety test. We didn't tell our parents... LOL. That's what we get for being weirdos.

@Saiaku please don't pick me for the giveaway. I just wanted to tell my story about meowing. Awesome giveaway btw. >u<
Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥
(Jan 14, 2016, 11:27 AM)PrincessSylveon Wrote: One night when I was about 16/17 I was walking around this place near my hometown that has a bunch of craft shops, used book stores, etc. but also has quite a few bars. My friend and I were just randomly meowing at people, sometimes really quiet or like screaming, "MEOOOOW!!". A police officer thought we were drunk (legal drinking age is 21 in US so it would have been underage drinking) and we had to undergo a sobriety test. We didn't tell our parents... LOL. That's what we get for being weirdos.

@Saiaku please don't pick me for the giveaway. I just wanted to tell my story about meowing. Awesome giveaway btw. >u<

Lol! Great story... I'll keep it outside the ones that are actually on the running for the 3 dogs Smile!
@PrincessSylveon, PM me when you're ready to trade Smile
Continue telling your stories, this thread is still open!
I was walking through Central Park after work one day because I wanted to relax. Now I never go outside, I am typically the person who stays inside and watches netflix all day so this was a first for me. Anyway I am walking around the reservoir to see people running and people out of breath trying to catch up with their friends (which bybthe way is why I dont run) and I stop at a bench. Before I sit down I realize that Central Park is actually really beautiful and decide that I would do this more often and actually be a normal human being. As I take out my planner to plan these events, something hits me in the back of the head. I turn around to find a potato on the floor. I look around to see the culprit but no one looked suspicious. To this day I have never found out who actually threw a potato at me. And to this day I have never been back to the reservoir because if no one did it, it was nature telling me to never come back and I am granting its wish. I stay home and watch Netflix.
(Jan 15, 2016, 01:38 PM)Erica M. Wrote: I was walking through Central Park after work one day because I wanted to relax. Now I never go outside, I am typically the person who stays inside and watches netflix all day so this was a first for me. Anyway I am walking around the reservoir to see people running and people out of breath trying to catch up with their friends (which bybthe way is why I dont run) and I stop at a bench. Before I sit down I realize that Central Park is actually really beautiful and decide that I would do this more often and actually be a normal human being. As I take out my planner to plan these events, something hits me in the back of the head. I turn around to find a potato on the floor. I look around to see the culprit but no one looked suspicious. To this day I have never found out who actually threw a potato at me. And to this day I have never been back to the reservoir because if no one did it, it was nature telling me to never come back and I am granting its wish. I stay home and watch Netflix.

"As I take out my planner to plan these events"

that's adorable lol xD.
it's 2022 and we livin
every night my little brother (normally around 1 o´clock) while i´m watching videos in my bed, i hear him opening his door real fast and then running naked throught our house to the bathroom, slamming the door and taking a shi-t xD (don´t ask me tho why he is naked)
So, I was at the bar to eat a great dinner, and sat next to this nice man. I started talking to him, and we talked for a while as he kept drinking. After a while, I asked why he was getting so drunk? I felt that it was strange for a man alone in his 40's to get drunk aline on a weekday. He turned to me, and took out his wallet. He showed me a picture of his wife. He pointed at it and said: "See this woman? Now that I'm drunk, she is beautiful enough to go home too." We then laughed together as he left to WALK home.
I have already posted one story, but here is another:

In a friend´s house, we ate pizza and a lot of stuff. I was a little sick and the pizza made me have diarreah. I went to the bathroom for 10 minutes. When I tried to pull the chain, I couldn´t. My poop was stucked there. After few minutes of thinking, I milled the poop with my friend´s toothbrush (I didnt know what to do) and blame the lady that cleans his house.

Sorry if I have been very graphic, but I needed to tell this to someone.
The winners were published!
I'll be sending the gifts tomorrow!!
Its lame I didnt win hahaha. Anyways, Im too curious of what was the mystery box

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