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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny, HP-Ice Zapdos
Name: Longy
Pokemon deposited: Eevee
Level: 1
Gender: female
Message: HojunWHO?

Thanks in advance for the Zapdos.
Not sure if this is still going on, but I just found this website today and this giveaway will save me a lot of time so I'll take a shot at responding.

Name: Jake
Pokemon Deposited: Scraggy
Level of Pokemon: 1
Gender of Pokemon: Male
Message on GTS: HojunWHO?
Name: Brady
Pokemon Deposited: Ralts
Level of Pokemon: 1
Gender: Male
Message: HojunWHO?
Thanks so much!
If this is still going...

Name: Richard
Pokemon Deposited: Machop
Level of Pokemon: 1
Gender: Female
Message: HojunWHO?

Thank You Smile
I hope this is still going because I really need one...

Pokemon Deposited: Taillow
Level of Pokemon: 16
Gender: Male
Message: HojunWHO?
I do apologize for my brief inactivity. If you did not receive a Zapdos I promise to get you one, please re-do your form. Again, I'm really sorry I was away, I hope I didn't cause any turmoil.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Jul 7, 2015, 01:03 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: I do apologize for my brief inactivity. If you did not receive a Zapdos I promise to get you one, please re-do your form. Again, I'm really sorry I was away, I hope I didn't cause any turmoil.

I changed my Pokemon because I got traded a no Pentagon Zapdos.
(Jul 7, 2015, 01:14 PM)Jerawme Wrote:
(Jul 7, 2015, 01:03 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: I do apologize for my brief inactivity. If you did not receive a Zapdos I promise to get you one, please re-do your form. Again, I'm really sorry I was away, I hope I didn't cause any turmoil.

I changed my Pokemon because I got traded a no Pentagon Zapdos.

Traded for Taillow. For future notice to all participants, please do not edit your original post, I will miss it.

Enjoy your bird!
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
Re-doing the form:

Name: Richard
Pokemon Deposited: Machop
Level of Pokemon: 1
Gender: Female
Message: HojunWHO?

Thank you when you get the chance Smile
Name: IsaacFTW
Pokemon Deposited: Marill
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Message: HojunWHO?


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